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Language and Cultural Variation between Chinese and American English

Essay Instructions:

This assessment focuses on understanding multiple perspectives for appreciating the interaction between language, communication and culture. It aims for you to compare, contrast and critically analyse a range of positions on one of the topics below, based on both the relevant readings assigned in the course reading list and further readings that go beyond those assigned. As a starting point, you can follow the references cited in your course readings and those noted in each lecture.

As part of your discussion, you will be expected to assess and explain the perspectives associated with your chosen topic. This discussion should extend further than that given in the lectures and the course readings, and should be illustrated with empirical studies from the literature. You will be assessed on your discussion of the similarities and differences of perspectives on your topic, as well as on the breadth of reading and empirical examples you use to back up your comparison.

Topic: Language and cultural variation.

For this topic, you will discuss the relationship between language, culture and cultural variation. In particular, you will explore different perspectives on how language variation affects cultural variation. This may include dialect or accent variation, communicative differences or other means of enacting culture through language. In your paper, you should give an overview of the particular aspects of language and cultural variation you are focusing on, and compare and contrast how this has been interpreted from at least two perspectives. You should include empirical examples from your reading that illustrate and back up your discussion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Language and Cultural Variation between Chinese and American English
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Language and Cultural Variation between Chinese and American English
Because of globalization, transnationalism, and rapid means of global communication, the traditional concept of one language and culture has become obsolete. In the present world, most of the world's urban population is bound to use more than one language, which has resulted in the development of a unique linguistic and cultural complexity (Piller, 2017.). As a result of increasing inter-language communication, languages as distant and disparate as Chinese and American English have begun to influence each other. A comparative analysis of the cultural and linguistic mingling of Chinese and American English reveals the remarkable impact of language variation on cultural variations. Thus, this paper aims to discuss various aspects of these cultural variations, including dialect and accent variation and communicative differences and their impact on American and Chinese cultures.
Adoption or Assimilation of Loanwords
Despite the cultural and traditional differences between Chinese and Americans, their languages have become a means of making two cultures and languages mix together. The best example of this cultural variation induced by language variation is the adoption of English loanwords in Chinese. The fundamental difference between Chinese and English is that English is alphabetic, while Chinese is based on characters or symbols (Excel English, 2021). Nevertheless, the Chinese language has adopted and assimilated several English loanwords, and this assimilation is accompanied by the adoption of several English cultural elements. One of the significant aspects of the presence of English loanwords in Chinese is that the Chinese language mainly comprises two and three-syllable words. Consequently, it only assimilates English language words having two to four letters (Ding, 2017). Consider the example of the English world “international”; this word is adopted as a transliterated word in Chinese in the following form “英特纳雄奈尔 . However, it soon transformed into “国际” (Ding, 2017).
This intake of English language words also produced remarkable cultural variation in Chinese culture; the introduction of American fast food chains, cell phones, and other luxury products has not enriched the Chinese lexicon but also introduced American cultural elements into Chinese societies. For instance, American jeans, t-shirts, skirts, and other fashion items have become quite a vogue in Chinese youth; the Chinese language has received a rich influx from the American lexicon. Thus, this social, cultural, and linguistic complexity manifests how language and cultural variation interlink and influence each other.
Accent and Dialect Variation
Chinese and American English differ remarkably in terms of pronunciation; as a result, they show significant variation in accent and dialect. One of the major aspects of the accent and dialect variation between Chinese and American English is the presence of consonant clusters at the end of English words. However, in Mandarin Chinese, consonant clusters do not occur at the end of terms; consequently, Chinese speakers living in America put too much emphasis on the pronunciation of these consonants that they speak “faster” in place of “fast” or “anda” in area of “and”. This unusual pronunciation manifests the influence of the Chinese accent on American English; thereby, a new dialect of English based on the Mandarin accent comes into being (Excel English, 2021). In the same way, these pronunciation difficulties generate a kind of foreign impression in the Chinese spoken by the Chinese living in America, as the inclusion of these English words in their mother tongue lends them a unique linguistic characteristic. Thus, one finds that American English imbibes the linguistic features of Chinese and Chinese spoken in America and also gets a more profound impression of American English via the confluence of both languages. This confluence and the resulting linguistic variations reflect more profound social and cultural repercussions as the intermixing of linguistic elements creates new social trends and proclivities.
In the same way, the Chinese language is a tonal language consisting of four basic tones; these tones are freely used to pronounce each Chinese word. On the other hand, the English language relies on stress rather than tone at word and sentence levels. These stresses enable the native English speaker to present options or express emotions. For instance, in Chinese, the number of syllables is the critical factor deter...
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