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Journal Gloria Naylors The Meanings of a Word

Essay Instructions:

Write at least 500 words on Gloria Naylor's "The Meanings of a Word" essay and AW Chapter 11: Racial and Ethnic Diversity. Focus on exploring and expressing your experiences, thoughts, ideas, or questions as they relate to the journal prompts.

Respond to the following three journal prompts.

1. According to Gloria Naylor, words themselves are innocuous; it is the consensus that gives them true power. What, in your judgment, is the meaning of this statement? Do you agree or disagree with it? Drawing from personal experience, give an example to support your position.

2. Naylor makes the point that, when used among the family and people she grew up with, the word nigger had an entirely different set of meanings than when used by whites or other ethnic groups. Why wasn't she confused by the meanings put forward by her family and friends when using this word?

3. What is your immediate reaction when you read or hear the n-word? Where do you think that reaction comes from? Think about and share the places or circumstances when you have seen or heard the n-word. You might consider works of literature, music, graffiti, films, comedy shows, casual conversation among African-American students or casual conversation among white students. In each of these situations, did you ever think that use of the n-word was appropriate? Why or why not?

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According to Gloria Naylor, words themselves are innocuous; it is the consensus that gives them true power. What, in your true judgement, is the meaning of this statement? Do you agree or disagree with it? Drawing from personal experience, give an example to support your position.
The statement as Gloria used it meant to indicate or communicate the obvious fact that words can bear a positive or a negative connotation. However, the connotation words bear is dependent on how the words are spoken as well as the person that speaks.
I am inclined to agree with her because often, I have seen people who say similar statements but the reactions from their audience tend to be different. So, it is quite possible for people to say the same thing but have the same audience react differently.
The use of the n-word is not a common phenomenon where I come from. However, I have heard and seen it in comedy shows by famous comedians like Kevin Hart, Dave Chappelle, and Chris Rock. One thing that surprises me though is the fact that their audiences are always laughing and never seem to care when they use the n-word. I have encountered such scenarios and am still baffled by how the African American community continues to entertain the term. I remember some time back, I saw some two African American boys fighting. They were using the n-word on each other among other expletives and their audience was lauding them. However, there is a time when a student (a white male student) decide to use the n-word on his friend. Well, he did use it on a lighter note but it was not taken as so. His friends turned on him and reprimanded him for using the word. A major argument ensued but the white boy was given his fair share of warnings. So, the person saying a word does matter and gives words meaning.
Naylor makes the point that, when used among the family and people she grew up with, the word nigger had an entirely different set of mean...
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