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2 pages/≈550 words
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Weekly Reading and Journal Entry. Another Language for the Deaf

Essay Instructions:

Weekly Reading and Journal Entry.

Each entry should be about 150-200 words in length and include a brief summary of the reading along with an analysis of the texts and an attempt to apply the reading to the student’s life. Please write according to the format of the provided journal entry sample.

Entries will be evaluated by

1) timely submission,

2) evidence of reading completion,

3) attempt for an application, and

4) attempt for analysis of reading.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Journal Entries
Due Date
Journal Entries
Another Language for the Deaf
In the article titled Another Language for the Deaf, Margalit Fox offers details about sign language and the impossibility of having it written down. Apparently, even though American Sign Language or ASL is being used by hundreds of thousands of deaf people, there has existed a challenge to have the language written down. As Fox notes, this has made it difficult for deaf children to learn English and other spoken languages. However, as Fox writes, there is a system that can make the above challenge disappear. The system is called SignWriting, and even though it is not widely adopted, Fox believes that it can serve as a solution to the challenge described above.
What makes Fox’s article easy to read is the way she breaks down her topic. From the introduction, it is clear what the author is talking about, the problem being handled is well-defined, and the solution well-explicated. To help showcase that SignWriting works, more examples apart from Nicole McReynolds’ would have been used. A single student may not offer a holistic picture of the applicability of SignWriting.
Language and Thought
Susan Langer in her article Language and Thought delivers an interesting take on signs, symbols, conception, and language. At first, she debunks the notion that symbols and signs have the same meaning. She notes that signs are universal in animals. They may differ or be advanced in humanity than in other animals, but they...
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