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Jean Larteguy, from The Centurions Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

PAGE 1: The Ticking Time Bomb

The episode between Esclavier and Dr. Arouche is the first literary example of the "ticking time bomb" scenario: A bomb is going to go off in an unknown place/time. An interrogator has a suspect who knows the details of the bomb, and the interrogator has to find out how to defuse it in order to save lives. Since this story was published, the ticking time bomb has become a staple of spy/action movies. Why does Esclavier hesitate to torture Dr. Arouche? What finally makes him act? How realistic is the portrayal of Dr. Arouche? How does the story use the idea of the ticking time bomb to justify torture?

PAGE 2: Algerian Women

Aicha is the main woman in this chapter. Based on her story, how did French soldiers view Algerian women? Why does she so quickly give up her commitment to independence to help the French? How does she differ from the three women (based on real people/events) who plant the bombs in The Battle of Algiers? In what ways might Aicha be viewed as a realistic or unrealistic portrayal of Algerian women?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Jean Larteguy, From the Centurion
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The Ticking Time Bomb
One of the most conspicuous effects of attacks is the question of whether torture can ever be justifiable. In the novel The Centurions by Jean Larteguy, Esclavier is one of the characters who declares that ‘’for a terrorist, anything is possible.’’ To explain this, the novel insists that torture has important impacts with regards to the violence of war. Nevertheless, in the novel, Esclavier hesitates to torture Dr. Arouche who was a terrorist because Esclavier was an anti-torture activist. Although the question of whether torture works still poses, other torture episodes in this novel reveal that terrorists only respond to physical force. Esclavier later overcomes his ethical qualms and takes action on Dr. Arouche due to the lesson they learned in the camp over the humiliations they suffered. Also, in order for him to win the battle and save more innocent lives from erosions, Esclavier decided to torture Arouche.
Dr. Arouche was a dentist and also a terrorist in this novel. His Portrayal in The Centurions represents a ruthless and liberal person in the acts of terrorism. Arouche is used in this novel to reveal how torture can be used to reveal answers of irrational violence. Following torture, Dr. Arouche revealed about fifteen bombs which none of them had been deactivated. Although many people acknowledge torture as an unpleasant act, The Centurions utilizes the concept of the ticking bomb to rationalize torture as the only method that can help change the mind of a liberal terrorist. Also, the scenar...
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