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Japanese Literature: The Genroku Culture

Essay Instructions:

Drawing on the given readings, what, in your estimation, are the three most outstanding features of Genroku literature? Be sure to include quoted material from the readings.

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Japanese Literature
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Japanese Literature
The Genroku culture started between the years 1603 and 1867 during the early Edo period. Literary and Art Theories in Japan uncovers the major events that remained important in Japanese history. Makoto Ueda who is the author of this book focuses on the most essential nature of literature and arts especially on the approach of how people responded to questions of how arts differ from life.
After learning the philosophies of Japanese art, am able now to know ways and methods in which Japanese produced music, poems, plays, and novels. A good number of major Japanese aestheticians were great artists and therefore examining their theories of art carefully had a reward. Writers from Japan also produced large writing bodies in classical Chinese. Japanese literature, therefore, is divided into three major periods: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern
Features of Genroku Literature
Enduring appeal
Japanese literature is very difficult to read and understand since it is written in many ways that unveil the spoken language. Statements are omitting the necessary particles of speech which identify whether the word is subject or object in a sentence. They also lack verbs from a specific social class or region. In order to get a clue on who is speaking or spoken to in a sentence, a special language is used to show gender, social status, or even age. In Japanese literature, simple sentences can only be understood by those who are conversant with cultural and historical background.
Chinese and Japanese language is not related at all though the Japanese adopted their first writing system from Chinese. Originally, the language used by Japanese contained words showing emotions and fee...
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