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Jack of Lord of the Flies: His Character Development

Essay Instructions:

follow the guidelines

Sample Literary Essay Outline Template


“Hook” –

Thesis -

Body 1-

Topic sentence-

Text Evidence from novel-

Text Evidence from novel-

Transition Sentence-

Body 2-

Topic sentence-

Text Evidence from novel-

Text Evidence from novel-

Transition Sentence-

Body 3-

Topic sentence-

Text Evidence from novel-

Text Evidence from novel-

Transition Sentence-


Restate Thesis-

So What?-

look for thesis

Write in the present tense throughout when describing the plot! Look for this throughout your paper.

Body 3:

Text evidence 1: I need more context here about why they kill Simon. They think that he is the beast and they are riled up from dancing and chanting and reenacting the hunt.

Rewrite the second text evidence from the novel, rechoose text evidence discuss Piggy's death in this body paragraph, which mentions him in your transitional sentence from body 2.

Add so what in the conclusion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Lord of The Flies
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Professor's Name
The Lord of The Flies is a story of the American boys written by William Golding after the second world war. In his context, William outlined controversial conflicts between human nature, individual rights, and collective interests. The context is generated in the jungle on an isolated Island after the Second World War. Several characters are addressed in this story, and each played a critical role in passing the essential components of the story. In the development of the process, the context illustrates the urge for power by exposing the two characters, Ralph, who is the hunters' team leader, and Jack, who is yawning for power to lead the group. Jack shows his interest in power by facilitating the process of election in which he lost to Ralph. Jack is portrayed as a hardworking individual who is full of courage. The bold character enables him to have the first animal through the hunting process. Jack is not pleased with Ralph's nature of building doubts and fear in the jungle. The Lord of The Flies, therefore, entails the natural feeling to embrace rules and regulations, act serenely, trail ethical guidelines, and worth the good of the group alongside the character of one's instantaneous requirements, proceed aggressively to gain preeminence above others to put into practice one's will as seen in this context (Golding, 1962).
Struggle to Build Civilization
The context reveals the struggle to build a civilization through different approaches based on the two immediate characters. According to Ralph, the leader, and Piggy's point of view, they believe that a signal fire is essential to achieve complete civilization, structure, rules, and regulations. Besides, Jack, who is viewed as a rebel to Ralph's priorities, believes that civilization can only be obtained through hunting, violence, and fun. Jack believes that safety, protection, and planning for the future should not be given any priority in their time in the jungle(Golding, 1962). Jack's separate opinion makes it complicated for Ralph to make his final decision and provide the last instructions. Initially, Jack and the other boys agreed to abide by Ralph's rules and directions as their leader.
Jack is influential in his actions, and through suggesting the violent methods of building civilization, the boys find it difficult to create an orderly society. The boys were not interested in making the shelters. Maintaining the fire signal proved so difficult for them, and they are not willing to take care of the littluns. The group enjoys amusement, chanting, and dancing around the fire more interesting. Jack's preference mainly generated the behavior and change of attitude by boys. Therefore, in the case of building civilization, Jack has brought about a severe conflict by opposing the moves made by their leader. The scenario of convincing the boys reflects Jack's interactive nature and the challenges leaders are likely to go through during revolutions time. Jack's behavior shows the desire for power, and this desire has caused a rift between the boys. For instance, when Ralph proposed to elect a chief among the boys, he immediately replied, " ...
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