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Introduction to Psychology II

Essay Instructions:

S02 Introduction to Psychology II
Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be double‐spaced; refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements.
Objectives: (1) Identify anxiety disorders.
(2) Describe the origin of emotional and psychological issues.
Part A
Susan, a college student, is anxious whenever she must speak. Her anxiety motivates her to prepare meticulously and rehearse material again and again. Is Susan’s reaction normal, or does she have an anxiety disorder? Explain two (2) criteria you used in arriving at your answer.
Part B
In recent years, several best-selling books have argued that most emotional problems can be traced to an unhappy or traumatic childhood (an abusive or dysfunctional family, “toxic” parents, and suppression of the “inner child”). What are two (2) possible benefits of focusing on childhood as the time when emotional problems originate, and what are two (2) possible drawbacks?
Part C
Suppose a member of your family has become increasingly depressed in recent months, and it’s apparent that the person needs treatment. You’re chosen to look into the options and to make decisions about the treatment. Based on information in Chapter 16, how might you proceed? Provide two (2) supporting facts to justify your plan of action.

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Introduction to Psychology II
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Introduction to Psychology II
Part A
Susan’s reaction to anxious feelings whenever she must speak is perfectly normal. She does not have a psychological condition. Being anxious is a normal experience when involved in public speaking. Early preparation is one of the best ways to reduce anxiety associated with public speaking. That is why Susan had to prepare meticulously and rehears the material again and again before presenting it. The primary difference between normal anxiety and anxiety disorder is that the former is usually short-term and related to a stressor. It does not cause significant distress and is resolved in a short time. In contrast, the latter persists over time and cannot go away easily.
Treatment is necessary to manage it and reduce its impact on an individual’s life. Therefore, two criteria used to determine that Susan’s reaction is normal are the length of Susan’s symptoms and the need for intervention. Susan’s anxiety is short-term and does not need a serious intervention because it does not interfere with her life dramatically. Through self-assessment, Susan has realized that her anxiety is caused by public speaking and can be addressed by thorough preparation. If Susan was suffering from an anxiety disorder, it would dramatically impact her life, and she would be forced to seek psychiatric guidance.
Part B
One possible benefit of focusing on childhood during the origin of emotional problems is that it could help address early children's emotional reactions before the effects spread. Identifying the problem at an early stage enables children to receive the necessary help they need at an early stage when they can quickly adapt to changes. Most problems emerge from childhood traumas that help locate the causes of most emotional challenges.
Another benefit is that it could help the victim redirect their thoughts from the current to the past. No one can change the past, but they can control the future. Studies indicate that people who write about their past traumas heal faster from illness, have a stronger immune system, and see physicians less often. Thinking of the past can help solve emotional problems and improve the well-being of individuals.
One drawback is disregarding present issues and challenges or recent trauma not associated with childhood. The problems may not have originated from a person’s childhood. Therefore, the psychologist may not help the individual without identifying the primary cause of the problem.
Another shortcoming is that it allows individuals to blame something that occurred in their childhood. This reduces the chances of solving a problem. Rather than finding a solution...
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