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Clinical Interaction Analysis About The Issue Of Practicing Safe Sex

Essay Instructions:

For this paper it should be two pages, all you have to do is answer the question without numbering them. You can pick a situation between you as a nursing student observing nurse in clinic setting while the nurse interacting with a patient. The setting is in community health clinic you are observing a nurse having therapeutic communication with 16 years old teenage girl about safe sex and birth control choices. With this information, you can answer questions by creating a story using simple English and some medical terminology.

For questions 1-7, select an interaction you have had this rotation with a client or client’s family member.

Typed, word processed with college-level grammar and spelling approved medical terminology two-page limit

Individuals involved in the interaction (initials and role)

1. If this was a planned interaction, list goals for yourself and for your client; if the interaction was unplanned,

describe the circumstances of the interaction.

2. Describe the general setting/atmosphere in which the interaction took place.

3. Describe the main topics that were discussed in the interaction.

4. Describe the nonverbal behaviors during the interaction. Were these consistent or inconsistent with the verbal messages?

5. Describe your behavior, thoughts, and feelings during the interaction. Were your verbal and nonverbal messages consistent?

6. List therapeutic verbal and non-verbal communication skills you practiced in the interaction. Did these helps or hinder your communication?

7. What did you do to stay focused on the goal/purpose of the interaction?

8. Describe ways you adapted your communication style for your specific client (consider factors such as the

client’s developmental stage, knowledge level, health beliefs, cultural background, emotional state, etc.)

9. Describe a challenging communication situation you have observed or been involved with during this clinical rotation. How did the parties involved respond?

10. Reflect on the development of your communication skills this rotation. Consider the following criteria as

appropriate from the clinical evaluation tool: use of the English language; use of medical terminology; being

clear, concise, and complete; adapting communication for the situation and other persons involved; displaying

courtesy and respect; being goal-directed. Give examples to support your assessment.

a. Communication with clients/families

b. Communications with members of the health care team

c. Communications in clinical group discussions

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Clinical Interaction Analysis
Student’s Name
Clinical Interaction Analysis
This was a planned clinical interaction and the goal of this essay is to observe the way in which a nurse in this community health clinic is having a therapeutic discussion with a teenage girl aged 16. I intended to observe how this girl responded to questions regarding safe sex and whether she was interested in taking birth control options. My other objective was to also to check whether the clinical nurse hid any obscene words when talking to the girl owing that she was a teenager. For instance, there are some clinicians who cannot talk ‘adult's words' when having a session with teenagers about safe sex.
The general setting in which this therapeutic session was set, was between the teenage girl and the nurse in a community health clinic. Here, we have the nurse and the teenage girl seated in the clinical consultancy room. The room was quite soundproof and one from the outside couldn't hear what we were discussing about. We gave the girl some balls to hold while giving an answer to the therapy related questions came from the nurse.
The main topics discussed in this therapeutic session was designed to understand why it was difficult for teenagers to use birth control measures. This will go a long way in suggesting means of countering this problem. Another topic was about the issue of practicing safe sex. Holloway & Galvin (2016) say that it has been figured out that teenage girls just have unprotected sex which subjects them to HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections.
In this therapeutic session, there are various nonverbal behaviors that the girl showed; she would mostly nod her head when referring to closed-ended questions from the nurse. Also, on the part of the nurse, she would use her hands to demonstrate to the girl things such as the condoms and also allowing the girl to answer the questions by a show of hands. These non-verbal behaviors were consistent all through the discussion.
Watching and listening to the discussions between the nurse and the teenage girl, I can say that I am quite unmoved because I do not want to distract the girl from giving full information about the questions being asked by the nurse. I felt that th...
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