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Institutionalization of Global Trade

Essay Instructions:


You are asked to submit a written assignments that consist of a one page (single space) reflexion on the REQUIRED READINGS for the week.

To clarify
• Neither the videos nor the suggested readings are to be covered in this assignment.
• You must cover the readings that will be discussed in class that day. you must submit a written assignment based on the readings to be discussed in class on this reading.
• The deadline to submit your written assignment through Quercus is 2:59PM the day of the lecture.
• The point here is not to summarize the readings, but to identify the main theme(s) and how some of the readings complement or contradict each other. You do not need to cover all the required readings.
• You can refer to the author’s last name only (e.g., “Diamond” for Jared Diamond)
• You do not need to include a bibliography as your professor already knows the readings.
• Each assignment will be graded out of 10. Your four best marks will be compiled to determine 40% of your final grade.

Submitting your written assignments through Quercus will imply a review of textual similarity by Ouroriginal for detection of possible plagiarism. In doing so, students will allow their assignments to be included as source documents in the Ouroriginal reference database, where they will be used solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. The terms that apply to the University’s use of the Ouriginal service are described on the Ouroriginal web site (https://www(dot)ouriginal(dot)com/). If you have an objection to the use of Ouriginal for the submission of your work, please make an appointment to speak personally with the Course Instructor to discuss alternative arrangements.

Please note that submitting your paper through Ouroriginal or making alternative arrangements with your professor before the relevant deadlines is not optional. Failure to do so will result in a grade of 0 for your assignment. The late penalties describe in this syllabus will apply.



Global Institutions

-Historical Perspective

Luther, William J. 2014. Review of “The Battle of Bretton Woods: John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making of a New World Order (Princeton University Press, 2013)” by Benn Steil, Independent Review 18 (3) (Winter 2014).

-In their own words

What is the WTO?

– WTO. 2011. Making Globalization Socially Sustainable (Brochure) (Note: Full report and other material available here)

IMF at a Glance

– IMF 2008. Globalization: A Brief Overview

About the World Bank

– WB. Trade and Globalization

What do others think?

– IMF and World Bank

Karlin, Mark. 2007. “Naomi Klein: Shocking the World Bank and IMF Crowd with her Analysis of ‘Disaster Capitalism.” BuzzFlash (October 16).


Mitchell, Daniel J. 2021. “The IMF Should Be Eliminated, Not Expanded.” AIER (October 12)

– World Bank

Bovard, James. 2009. “McNamara’s Other Debacle.” LewRockwell.com (July 10).

Bovard, James. 2021. “Raiding the World Bank: Exposing a Fondness for Dictators.” Mises Wire (December 13)

Bate, Roger and Benjamin Schwab. 2004. “McNamara’s Bank.” TCS Daily (July 29). (Note: I have changed the link)

Klein, Naomi. 2007. “The World Bank has the Perfect Standard Bearer.” The Guardian (April 27).

Murray, Iain. 2015. “World Bank Increases Number of Poor.” CEI Blog (September 25).


Rockwell, Lew. 2018/2004. “Decentralize Global Trade Policy.” Mises Institute Daily Commentary (January 6; originally published as “Cotton Candy” on April 29, 2004.).

Nader, Ralph and Lori Wallach. “GATT, NAFTA, and the Subversion of the Democratic Process: WTO, The Global Enforcer” (excerpted from the book The Case Against the Global Economy edited by Jerry Mander and Edward Goldsmith, Sierra Club Books, 1997).

Griswold, Dan. 2000. “WTO Critics Trade Away Truth for a Sound Bite.” Cato Institute Commentary (January 2).

Lester, Simon. 2014 “The WTO vs. the TPP.” Cato Institute Commentary (May 2).

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