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How Has Instagram / Photo Sharing Of Food Changed The Way We Think About And Understand Food

Essay Instructions:

Essay length should be between 1000 and 1200 words. Essays are to include an effective introduction and thesis statement; clear and unified body paragraphs and a refutation paragraph that support the student's thesis; and an effective conclusion.

This essay uses two (2) credible sources that were used in the Short Research assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How has Instagram/Photo Sharing of Food Changed the way we think about and understand Food?
How has Instagram/Photo Sharing of Food Changed the way we think about and understand Food?
One great benefit of having smartphones and digital cameras today is the ability to share one’s photos online to allow many people to view them. Sharing photos of food in social media sites like Instagram has become a common practice. Food lovers have found that sharing photos of their meals helps in enhancing how people think and understand food. Social media sites like Instagram offer a great platform for food lovers to connect from different parts of the world. Photo sharing of food has in fact, become an increasingly important aspect of connecting with others with a similar mind (Andrade, 2015). For this reason, it is importance to analyze how photo sharing of food has enhanced how people think and understand food. This is because through this photo sharing of food it allows people to get feedback about their foods, offers an opportunity for publication, backing up on important memories, but with a downside of causing addiction.
Ideally, Andrade (2015) notes that when one posts an image on a social site like Instagram, one creates an easy way for people to give feedback. When it comes to photo sharing of food, feedback plays a critical role because it is the gateway of finding out if what one is posting is presentable and valuable. Many food lovers across the world take the opportunity to give feedback when they see great photos of food they believe is prepared greatly and thoughtfully. For example, Andrade (2015) declares that people like professional chefs’ benefit greatly through photo sharing on Instagram or other social media websites. Here, chefs can use this platform to showcase their talent and skills by posting images of their well-crafted menus. The social media offers a wide range of clientele who provide feedback to such chefs so that they can know what to improve and how to remain relevant (Andrade, 2015). This means that photo sharing of food enhances the ability to get feedback about one’s choices so as one can improve or better what one is doing. It is a great way of ensuring that one’s talent and skills are appreciated by other food lovers.
Further, photo sharing of food has changed the way people think and understand food because it offers a chance of publication. Andrade (2015) argues that having one’s photos on social media makes it possible for authors, publishers, and other food lovers to find them. A publisher interested in food may find such images on Instagram and this can open an opportunity for the individual. Authors, publishers, and many food lovers search online to find images to use for their pieces. When they encounter an image they like, they find the individual who posted, and request to use it. This enhances the individual’s reputation and even can get contracts to work with food magazines or other forms of media. This means that photo sharing of food is not only for fun but can open opportunities to venture into a career in food publication or magazines (Andrade, 2015). It is a way of making a business out of something that one loves and enjoys. According to Murphy (2010), photo sharing of food on Instagram and other social media websites becomes an opportunity for marketing and advertising. It is through this photo sharing that publishers and authors can find the poster and so he/she...
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