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The Theme of Innocence in "To Kill a Mockingbird"

Essay Instructions:

A recurring symbol in novel To Kill a Mockingbird is the story Atticus tells his children, "...it is a sin to kill a mockingbird." Explain this metaphor and analyze the ways in which Atticus Finch, Tom Robinson, and Boo Radley are all metaphorically portrayed as mockingbirds.

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Mockingbirds represent innocent beings that are harmless and spread joy to those around them. They are also vulnerable creatures that depend on the generosity of others to defend them. Killing one, as directly stated in the novel by Atticus Finch to his children, is a sin. The characters of Boo Radley, Tom Robinson, and Atticus Finch could be considered symbolic mockingbirds since they convey similar characteristics and meet the criteria of innocent beings.
Bob Radley is a Mockingbird. He is accused of various kinds of nocturnal crimes, but no credible witnesses exist (Miss Stephanie’s dubious gossip notwithstanding) of Radley’s supposed activities. He deliberately leaves gifts behind in the secret knothole in aims of making friends with Scout and Jem, giving them wonderment and pleasure from the personal items they receive. He offers Scott warmth from a blanket on the evening of Miss Maudie’s house fire and sews Jem’s pants after the children’s raid on the Radley house. Radley crosses the boundary of prejudice and fear to rescue Scout and Jem when they are attacked, fighting off, and killing the vicious Bob Ewell. The town sheriff in agreement with Atticus cover-up Radley’s heroics by maintaining that the children’s attacker died accidentally, with intentions of diverting attention away from Radley so that he could maintain his reclusive lifestyle. Radley is the ultimate mockingbird.
Tom Robinson is the second character in the novel that serves as a Mockingbird. Robinson, having visited Mayella Ewell’s home on several occasions, with the honorable intention of assisting her with household chores, eventually becomes the victim...
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