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The Influence of Family Structure on a Child's Literacy

Essay Instructions:

Major Paper or focused research exploration of a course topic on or related to family or early literacy which is of particular interest to you. This assignment consists of an in-depth critical exploration of a course topic related to early or family literacy e.g. family literacy in Canada or in your community; fathers and literacy development; concepts about print; story book reading, comprehension, the importance of play vis-à-vis literacy development, etc. Be sure to consult the Handbook of Family Literacy (see course readings and available online at the library) if you need inspiration or ideas. The course bibliography is also a good resource to identify topics. Skim through the titles to see if any of the topics are of particular interest. If you are considering an additional topic, or if you have doubts as to whether a topic is appropriate, you will need to get my permission first and will need to write a rationale and plan for the topic so that I better understand how it will be useful to you and also, importantly, its relation to the course.
In order to complete this assignment, first skim the course topics and identify one which seems particularly compelling to you. One very useful example would be to select an area of the city and explore family literacy resources in that community light of our course readings. Your paper should be about 5-6 pages double-spaced. Be sure to provide links and/or bibliographic information for your resource.

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The Influence of Family Structure on a Child's Literacy
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The Influence of Family Structure on a Child's Literacy 
According to Slot (2018), children at a young age can easily learn things from observing and hearing what people around them are doing or saying. As a result, family structure greatly influences a child's literacy. In a child's development process, literacy is critical because it determines their ability to understand things that happen around them and even their ability to read and write. (Paradis, 2020) defines family structure as a term used to describe members of a given group who can be related by bloodline or marriage. Consequently, the research will be based on a child raised in a household with both parents and older siblings and one raised as a single child by a single parent. Furthermore, the essay will discuss the influence of family structure on bilingualism, socialization, and motor and cognitive skills acquired by younger children.
(Paradis, 2020) depicts that childhood is a crucial stage in every human development stage. Humans are born not knowing how to behave. They, therefore, heavily rely on the environment around them as they grow to learn about societal norms. Learning occurs through being directly told how to act in a given situation or observing and emulating what others in a given environment are doing. Consequently, since family is a child's primary social group, their impact fully influences their literacy (Slot, 2018). In a family structure where there is a father, a mother, and an older sibling, a child's literacy level is higher compared to one that grows up with a single parent in most cases (Steiner et al., 2022). In addition, in a family where a child grows up with older siblings, they develop various language skills faster than individuals who grow up as single children.
The influence of Having Both Parents
Steiner et al. (2022) are keen to show in their research that a child's literacy level is highly influenced when they grow up with both parents rather than when a single parent raises a child. According to the findings in their research, when children are read and spoken to during their early childhood, they get better at grammar and vocabulary. Steiner et al. (2022) findings of their research indicate that when a child is raised by both parents, they have more time to talk and read books to their young one. When a child is young and they are read a storybook by their parents, they tend to develop an appropriate context to learn a given language. Also, to stimulate children's linguistic and cognitive development, parents engage in open-ended questions, pointing, and repetition (Steiner et al., 2022). Thus, when a child is in a family structure where both parents are present, they tend to learn more because they have people around them to talk to. Conversely, when a child is raised by a single parent who is always working, they may not get enough time to read books to the child, affecting their language skills. Therefore, in a family structure where both parents are present in a child's life, the child's literacy level is better.
Furthermore, according to Merga & Ledger (2018), when parents read aloud and talk to their children in the early years, this significantly impacts their language development. Reading quality children's literature in different formats and making them answer questions improves their literacy development. Early language exposure affects how a child's language network is created. Also, making comments as they read aloud to the child enhances the child's receptive and expressive language. Thus, when a child is in a family structure where both parents actively interact with the child, better literacy development is seen.
Older Siblings' influence
Tsinivits & Unsworth (2021) depict that older siblings in a family structure play a vital role that cannot be ignored in a toddler's life. According to the finding of Paradis's (2020) research, in a family with an older sibling, the toddler's language development is better than in a home without an older sibling. The major point of focus in this research was a toddler growing up in a bilingual home. In this case, a toddler is likely to make more progress in English than in their native language when an older sibling is attending school. The main reason for this is that the...
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