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Increase Your Willpower To Achieve Your Goals

Essay Instructions:

Assignment: Begin by reading the passage below.

Increase Your Willpower to Achieve Your Goals

by Nanci Hellmich

About 93% of people say they set a goal to change a behavior at the beginning of the

year* according to a new survey of 566 adults conducted by Harris Interactive for the American

Psychological Association. Lack of willppwer is the No. 1 reason that people give for falling

short. But the majority (71%) think willpower is something they can learn.

“It turns out that they are right,” says psychologist Steven Breckler, APA’s executive

director for science who has reviewed the research on this topic. Willpower goes by many

definitions, including self-control and delaying gratification, he says. “It’s the ability to resist

immediate temptation in order to achieve some longer-term goal.’Hy^ ■—

~~ Studies show that some people are better at resisting temptation than others he says

“They seem to innately have more self-control.”

“Part of the problem for many people is that resisting temptation takes a lot of mental

energy,” Breckler says. “You have to talk to yourself, distract yourself and remind yourself of

the longer-term goal. That can lead to mental exhaustion, which is the enemy of self-control ” he


But you can strengthen that ability. He compares willpower to a muscle. Some people’s

muscles are stronger thamothers’, but if you work your muscles wisely, you can make them

stronger, he says. Here are some ways to increase your willpower:

practice self-control;

set short-term, realistic goals;

reduce temptation;

focus on one goal at a time.

Adapted from USA TODAY; March 5, 2012.

Writing Directions

Read the passage above and write an essay responding to the ideas it presents. In your essay, be sure to

summarize the passage in your own words, stating the author’s most important ideas. Develop your essay

by identifying one idea in the passage that you feel is especially significant, and explain its significance.

Support your claims with evidence or examples drawn from what you have read, learned in school and/or

personally experienced. ’

Remember to review your essay and make any changes or corrections that are needed to help your reader

follow your thinking. You will have 90 minutes to complete your essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Increase your willpower to achieve your goals
Institutional Affiliation
The passage by Nanci Hellmich talks about the concept of willpower among people. According to her, willpower is an individual’s ability to control oneself and have the ability to defy immediate gratification to achieve long-term goals. People establish goals they would want to realize, however, due to lack of willpower, they never do. Various factors such as mental exhaustion cause people to lack willpower as resisting temptation requires one to distract oneself and continuously remember their lasting goals, which takes a lot of mental energy. However, she notes that people can strengthen their willpower by employing self-control, setting-short-lived realistic goals, and setting one goal at a time.
The idea that an individual can inc...
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