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In What Ways May the State Exercise its Power?

Essay Instructions:

Cover page Assignment name and personal details/topic. 0

Plan structure

Introduce what the assignment’s plan and structure will be

Give some background here on your first thoughts.

Provide the context and the rationale of the literature review

and possible debates around this research area.


Research aims

and questions

Explain the aims and objectives of the plan and outline your

research questions. 20pts


Explain your search strategy (How did you go about this?

Books? Journals? Databases etc?).

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria of literature for the review

(ensure the validity and reliability of the research studies

you will include in your Essay).

20Cover page Assignment name and personal details/topic. 0

Plan structure

Introduce what the assignment’s plan and structure will be

Give some background here on your first thoughts.

Provide the context and the rationale of the literature review

and possible debates around this research area.


Research aims

and questions

Explain the aims and objectives of the plan and outline your

research questions. 20


Explain your search strategy (How did you go about this?

Books? Journals? Databases etc?).

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria of literature for the review

(ensure the validity and reliability of the research studies

you will include in your Essay).


Presentation Cover page, table of contents, page numbering, line spacing,

font consistency, separation of paragraphs.

Presentation Cover page, table of contents, page numbering, line spacing,

font consistency, separation of paragraphs.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student's Name
Professor's Name
City (State)
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc73560766 \h 3Aims/Questions PAGEREF _Toc73560767 \h 3Methodology PAGEREF _Toc73560768 \h 4Literature Review and Findings PAGEREF _Toc73560769 \h 5Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc73560770 \h 5Findings PAGEREF _Toc73560771 \h 6Conclusion and Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc73560772 \h 7Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc73560773 \h 7Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc73560774 \h 7References PAGEREF _Toc73560775 \h 9
The state uses various methods to control the general public and enforce the law. The state operates as the authority in control to supervise and lead the operations of the country. The power dynamics of the state are distributed into different heads to ensure that conflict of interest is avoided. The segregation of power weakens the power of individual leaders and focuses on strengthening the state's power in accumulation. Hence, the state's power is distributed between the institutions, ministries, and legislative authorities that monitor different aspects of the country (Mayer and Phillip 2017).
The research paper seeks to focus on the power dynamics of the state and its method of exercising power within the state. It is an important aspect to analyze governmental techniques and tactics in exercising its power. Therefore, the research paper focuses on drafting the research aims and questions to establish the foundation of the study and reflect on the approach with methodology. The paper then seeks to identify the study's findings based on research methodology to reflect each aspect. Furthermore, to form valuable conclusions and recommendations for the state, the researchers analyzed a literature review to find the gaps that restrict effective power control of the state.
The research aims to identify different methods of power that the state exercises for control of the society. Therefore, based on the research aim, the following research questions will provide the research direction.
1 What are the methods of power used by the power to control the state?
2 Who are the key players in mediating the power effectively?
3 Do all states operate the same?
The mentioned above questions seek to identify the two most important aspects of state power. Each of the questions seeks to focus on a different aspect of the power dynamics of the state.
The research is carried out by using qualitative methods of research. The qualitative method seeks to research to provide the study with high-quality information that is crucial for the research (Mohajan 2018). The study seeks to investigate the power dynamics of the state and, therefore, to cater to the research requirement, it best aligns with qualitative research. Furthermore, to safeguard the integrity of research, the researcher has relied upon only reputed and authentic sources.
The research has sought to focus on peer-reviewed journal articles that can provide the research with the opportunity to reflect on quality data. Journal articles are peer-reviewed and therefore have high credibility (Mohajan 2018). Furthermore, the research approach has saved time as compared to the alternate approach. Additionally, the study has taken information from books published by a reputed publishing house to further enhance the value of information.
Within the secondary research, the researcher has also focused on power structures of two geographically and culturally distant states (the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) for the comparative analysis of power from a historical perspective.
As per the proposed topic, the research method focuses on the deductive approach to analyze the dynamics of the state’s power and narrow the research to individual components of the power (Mohajan 2018). A deductive approach also serves the research by analyzing the method of power exercise and its influence on the people. Furthermore, the approach also helps identify key concepts of power control and tools that the state uses to enforce the law (Mohajan 2018). Therefore, each of the research questions serves the opportunity to analyze the circumstances deductively.
The first research question is a historical and descriptive question that focuses on the power exercising methods used by the governments over time. The second research question seeks to be more casual in analyzing the key players and descriptive in focusing on the methods deployed. The last question is casual and focuses on drafting a comparison of two state’s power.
Literature Review and Findings
The section develops the understanding of the proposed topic by reflecting on different literature reviews. Each literature review paragraph reflects on different studies to provide the summative review on the given topic. After that, the section analyzes the findings from the literature review to discuss the crucial aspect.
Literature Review
According to legal system analysis, a state’s power is never to one authority for the sole purpose of creating balance (Mayer and Phillip 2017). Furthermore, the state's power is distributed into different divisions through ministries, legislative authority, law and enforcement, and institutions. The scope of the state’s power is dynamics; therefore, the division of power further helps the state to control the state effectively (Mayer and Phillip 2017). Each ministry seeks to focus ...
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