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Argumentative Essay In order to control crime, should all guns be banned?

Essay Instructions:


Case 3: Argumentative Essay TOPIC : In order to control crime, should all guns be banned?

Length: no less than 1,100 words, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt font size

In addition to your own thoughts, words, and ideas, this essay is to include TWO credible and reliable secondary sources.

The first person "I" is not used in a formal essay.

A well-organized essay has a beginning, a middle, and an end. The beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention. Follow the opening sentence with a brief background on the topic or situation. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay, which in this case, would be a statement affirming the point of view on the selected topic.

A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. Each body paragraph must support (explain) your reasoning (rationale) using specific details. Each body paragraph must have a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph.

The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and/or closes with a lasting impression that connects the reader to their world.

Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling, as errors in sentence skills will lower a final grade. A grade will be determined based on the Module 4 Case expectations and the Trident University General Education rubric for English.

This essay must include a combination of no less than SIX in-text citations from two or more credible and reliable sources. Citations are to be a combination of direct quotations and paraphrased quotations with or without the author's name, and a Reference List in APA Style must be included.

Write an argumentative essay (no less than 1,100 words in length) that states an original thesis statement and includes no fewer than six citations in APA Style from two credible and reliable sources.

Demonstrate the ability to write clearly and cohesively when expressing one’s ideas and/or intended purpose.

Demonstrate the ability to clearly state and support a thesis in an organized and cohesive essay using secondary sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

In order to control crime, all guns should be banned
Institution of Affiliation
In order to control crime, all guns should be banned
On May 1, 2020, a security guard who was working at a Michigan Family Dollar store was shot dead after he asked a customer to put on a facemask before accessing the store. Barely six days later, a hungry woman walked into a McDonald’s outlet in Oklahama and after being informed that the dining area was closed due to COVID-19, she took out her gun and shot three employees of the food joint. These are not just statists but human life being treated like that of animals, pointing to the ever-rising cases of gun violence in the United States. The Pew Research Center reports that in 2017 alone, there were 39,773 deaths from gun-related injuries. Out of that figure, 23,854 were suicide cases while 37% were murders (14,542). The remainder were unintentional (486), involved law enforcement (553) or had undetermined circumstances (338) (Gramlich, 2019). According to Amnesty International, gun violence is a global human rights issue, threatening the right to life. The organization has it that at least 500 people around the world die on a daily basis due to violence committed out of firearms. With these scary figures its time to ban civilian ownership of guns across the US.
To reduce cases of mass shootings in the US, there is an urgent need to ban civilian ownership of guns. Although there is no clear definition of mass shooting, the Federal bureau of Investigations defines it as “a number of murders (three or more) occurring during the same incident, with no distinctive time period between murder” (FBI 2008). On December 14, 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut and shot 26 people including 20 children and six staff members at the institution. Before driving to the school, the young man had shot his mother dead and after the shooting at the institution he committed suicide by shooting himself on the head (The Associated Press, 2012). In October 27, 2017, a man identified as Stephen Paddock shot and killed 59 people who were attending a country music festival at a hotel in Las Vegas. At least 500 people were left nursing injuries in the rapid-fire barrage from the gunman who was stationed at a room in Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino from where he rained bullets to the crowd of over 22,000 revelers. The 64-year-old’s heinous act was one of the worst in modern American history. Since January up to November 2020, 482 people were killed in incidences of mass shootings with over 2451 left nursing wounds. What actions have other countries taken to prevent such cases from happening? According to the Lawyer Monthly, in 1996, a lone-shooter rained bullets on school children killing 16 of them and one teacher in Dunblane, United Kingdom. Following the incident, the government imposed very strict background checks on those who were allowed to own guns. What followed later was a total ban on all private gun ownership. Since 1996, the country has only reported one case of mass shooting. In the same year, on April 28, one Martin Bryant opened gunfire at Port Arthur, Tasmania, in Australia killing at least 35 people. Bryant was later sentenced to life imprisonment without an option of parole. Following the incident, the authorities moved in spend and banned ownership of automatic and semi-automatic guns by civilians and also implemented a 28-day waiting period once a civilian had placed a purchase for gun. The rules were made to be very strict with new licensing requirements and a rise in taxes saw at least 6,000 firearms being bought from civilians and destroyed. Since then, the country has never reported any case of mass shooting (“What would happen if the US applied a gun amnesty?” 2020). Had US banned gun ownership during the mass shooting of 2012, could things have been different with the 2017 incident? Therefore, it can be concluded that for the US to reduce incidences of mass shootings, one of the key steps to take is ban civilian ownership of guns.
Increase in gun violence is an indicator of lawlessness and inability of the government to protect its own citizens. Dav...
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