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Importance of Literature in the Society

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Importance of Literature in the Society
Literature in the society and its importance
Literature can be said to be a representation of written or spoken word. It is, however, a term that is usually linked to works relating to creative imagination. Literature is classified into four distinctive groups; that is, according to whether it is poetry or prose and whether it is fiction or non-fiction. Having been produced by some of the world’s earliest civilizations, literature has continued playing very significant roles in the society, some of which perhaps hold the moral fabric that keeps the society intact. Its position in the society is of great importance and one that cannot be replaced nor played by any other.
To begin with, literature can be termed as the mirror through which the humanity looks at itself and reflects on its weaknesses and strengths. This is because of its educational values that can be seen in many different ways. Through various works of literature, for example plays, poems, stories among others, authors by use of themes are able to propagate some of the challenges or matters that the society needs to handle. Through it, the society can learn as well as correct itself. For instance, most of the short stories try to communicate to children and the society at large, on the importance of having good morals and virtues by shunning vices such as gambling and theft. Literature, therefore, is an edifying tool, through which new things can be learnt, as well as look back, and correct ourselves where we have gone wrong.
In addition, literature can be used as a tool of entertainment. Over the years, literature has been employed for this purpose, perhaps almost losing its central value which is educational. In the past, plays have been held in the theaters to entertain even the royals especially among the French, where this form of literature was quite popular. The likes of Shakespeare still influence our lives through his plays and other literature works. Their names still ran in the minds of people because of their ability to employ literature not only as a means of education, but of entertainment as well.
Further on, literature can and is used as a tool of economic gain. Through the use of literature, job opportunities are created. This is evident when putting into consideration places su...
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