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Persuasive Critical Essay On Illness And Health: The Yellow Wallpaper

Essay Instructions:




Length: 1000 words, approx. 4 pages


You are to compose a well-written and persuasive critical essay focusing on a theme relating to Illness and Health. In order to do this, you should focus on one Element of Fiction.


Remember, especially if you choose to write on plot/conflict—a plot summary of a work is not an acceptable response for this assignment. Meaning no summarization of this book will be accepted in any way.


In order to accomplish this, your essay needs a focused, argumentative thesis statement, and you need to support and develop your thesis by engaging critically with textual evidence. Your paper must conform to APA Style, and should contain no grammar or syntax errors.


Please be aware of the policies regarding plagiarism and late papers on the course outline.



Step 1: Use the book, “The Yellow Wallpaper,”

Step 2: Choose a theme relating to illness and health relevant to this work.

Step 3: Choose an Element of Fiction that you feel is particularly relevant to the theme of your chosen work. Compose an argumentative essay that critically demonstrates how that element of fiction reveals your chosen theme.


These three steps, then, should lead to you formulating a topic such as, “How does setting highlight your chosen theme in “The Yellow Wallpaper”?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Illness and Health Name: Institution: Course: Date: Illness and Health In the field of medicine there is a specific approach that allows the medical teams to focus on the patient and their needs. It is important for them to focus on what the patient other what they want or may seem to understand about the situation of the patient. It is referred to as patient centered care, and allows the patient to dictate to the medical teams what it is that they want to achieve with their health and wellbeing relative to the treatment options that are available. This is separate from the past practices where the doctors offered the final say as to what was to happen to the patient. If the patient decides that what the doctors are telling them does not sit well with them they are liberty to change and pick out an option that best represents their interests and aspirations. This piece focus on character of the narrator as a distressed patient. Thesis statement: The narrator has a clear idea of what she wants to achieve as her health goals, however she needs assistance to come to the right decision, not abandonment and restraint. This is a choice that is not given to the narrator in the story and ends up harming her more than it helps her. To put this into perspective she seen to lament over the fact that, her husband John does not understand the kind of suffering the she is going through. In reality she was suffering and she was doing this all on her own without any one to come to her aid. Those around he deprived her of the right to pick for herself the right condition to achieve sanity. ‘John is away all day, and even some nights when his cases are serious. I am glad my case is not serious! But these nervous troubles are dreadfully depressing. John does not know how much I really suffer. He knows there is no reason to suffer, and that satisfies him.’ This is a clear indication that she suffering but even her husband who is supposed to be her companion before he is even her doctor should be supporting her. ‘He says that with myimaginative power and habit of story-making, a nervous weakness like mine issure to lead to all manner of excited fancies, and that I ought to use my will andgood sense to check the tendency. So I try.’ Instead he is seen to avoid supporting her fearing that he could be encouraging the neurotic worries. The patient knows best what is goi...
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