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Human Emotions of Love and Anger in Sentinel Robots

Essay Instructions:

You are a leading expert on artificial intelligence, and after decades of work you are about to unveil your greatest creation: a sentient robot that has all the cognitive capacities of a human being. The research is finished, and there is just one final decision to make before mass production begins. Should you install a special chip that will allow your robots to experience the range of human emotions? Or should you intentionally leave this chip out and destroy the plans so that none of them will ever feel the bubbles of love or the crash of anger?

In this paper, you will argue that you would, or would not, give these robots the capacity to experience human emotions. In doing so, discuss Eleonore Stump's analysis of love and the arguments for eliminating anger from lecture and "Destructive Emotions" by Owen Flanagan.

For many of you, this is your first philosophy class. To give direction to your writing, this paper will be highly structured. I'll give you the outline of a great philosophy paper, and you fill it in with content. Assume that your reader knows nothing about philosophy. Write in a way that would make sense to a friend or roommate.

In the first paragraph, introduce the issue and state your thesis, all in four sentences or less. Space is limited, so you'll have to get to the point quickly!

In the second paragraph, give Stump's view of love. In doing so, be sure to give her reasons for holding this view and explain how it relates to the emotional experience of love?

In the third paragraph, argue that anger is a destructive emotion and explain why you might want it eliminated. In doing so, provide the relevant arguments from lecture and Flanagan's article.

In the fourth paragraph, argue that you would, or would not, give the robots the ability to experience human emotions. In your argument, explicitly consider Stump's view on love and the arguments in favor of eliminating anger. If you would install the emotion chip, give Aristotle's argument in support of anger.

In the fifth paragraph, provide a brief conclusion.

In making your arguments, it will be useful to refer to lecture notes, online slides, “Love, By All Accounts” by Eleonore Stump and “Destructive Emotions” by Owen Flanagan.

Paper specifications:

Your essay should be 900-1,200 words (about 3-4 pages double spaced).

Submit your paper through iLearn by 11:55pm on March. 12.

The file format must be a pdf or a word doc. Pages files and Google doc files will not be accepted.

Include in-text citations and a works cited page using MLA or APA formatting.

Do not use outside sources.

Late papers will be penalized 1/2 point per day, rounded up.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Human Emotions in Sentinel Robots
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Human Emotions in Sentinel Robots
Enhancements to technology happen each and every day to cater for the increasing demand to make peoples life better if not simple. There have been basic robotic machines that could assist human beings with simple tasks like carrying their belongings and luggage’s, in packaging and assembly industries. However, there have been recent developments to build sentinel robots that have all the cognitive abilities of a human being which will result in the robots having and experiencing human emotions like anger and love (Coeckelbergh, 2011). The essay purports to review various articles that have been written on the human emotions of love and anger and relate them and their effects on the sentinel robots before their mass production begins.
“Love by all accounts” is a narrative written by Eleanor Stump, who attempts to analyze the understanding of love from different angles. She compares different accounts of love like the responsiveness account of love, volitional love and the relational account of love. She shares that responsiveness account is a response to a beloved ones desired characteristics and that the strength of the intensity is directly proportional to the growth of the desired values (Coeckelbergh, 2011). However, these characteristics and values are also shared by other people and as such can be easily and successfully substituted. The account of love is lost also if the beloved one loses the desired characteristics. The author then notes that volitional love results without any reasons, but from ones choice and decision. There is no condition for loving someone, for example, because they are handsome or virtuous and as such it can be termed as an unconditional type of love. She further shares on the relational type of love which occurs from the interactions between a lover and beloved. It occurs from history and ongoing interactive connections. Eleanor then attempts to understand the nature of love from two perspectives shared by Thomas Aquinas who noted that:
* Love results from the desire to be in union with the beloved. This provides for various “offices” of love like the parent-child relationship derived from relational characteristics.
* Love that occurs from the desire of the objective good of the beloved. Being an objective matter, one never knows what they desire and could mean that what they perceive as love for someone actually isn’t.
All human beings are once in a while faced and challenged with distasteful and ugly destructive emotions like anger. Some people have argued that anger is a normal and healthy emotion, but when out of control can have severe repercussions on personal relationships, work commitments and one's quality of life. Anger is caused by internal and external factors. For example, remembering traumatic events can trigger angry feelings and events such as being rained on or spending some time in traffic can make people angry. Angry people are usually aggressive and some can argue that it is somehow necessary for our survival when defending ourselves from threats. The three techniques of managing anger are suppressing, calming and expressing. Owen Flanagan compares assumptions about destructive emotions and more specifically anger by Eastern and Western thinkers. For one, Western thinkers believe that anger can be mana...
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