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How Understanding Uses and Gratifications Theory Affect Public Relations or Communications

Essay Instructions:

Readings:• Ruggiero, T.E. (2000). Uses and gratifications theory in the 21st century. Mass Communication & Society, 3(1), 3-37. In response to claims that uses and gratifications theory loses its utility in computer-mediated contexts, this article seeks to defend the utility and legitimacy of the theory. The author also identifies areas for future research in digital media leveraging UGT.• Tustin, N. (2010). The role of patient satisfaction in online health information seeking. Journal of Health Communication, 15, 3-17. Using the author’s study of 178 cancer listserv users, this research examines the impact of the use of the internet to find health information on cancer survivors’ satisfaction with their care.• Rathnayake, C. & Winter, J.S. (2018). Carrying forward the uses and grats 2.0 agenda: An affordance-driven measure of social media uses and gratifications. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 62(3), 371-389. Recent research about uses and gratifications in social media has focused on affordances—the mutuality between users’ needs and platforms’ features. This study seeks to establish four different types of affordances to enhance our understanding of how uses and gratifications theory illuminates social media communication.
In one page, with your personal experience and the readings, answer 2 questions:1.Think about the ways in which you use a variety of types of media. What needs are you seeking to gratify when you use these media? Are these needs sufficiently gratified by the use of these media? Why or why not?2.In what ways can a deep understanding of uses and gratifications theory benefit the work of public relations or other communications practitioners?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Week 7
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Instructor’s Name
Question 1
I use various media daily in my life for various reasons. Depending on the specific media and their content orientation, I use it to get news, entertainment, and general updates like the weather forecast. I use the BBC, CNN, and Aljazeera for news updates because they do not share unverified stories. I use social media like Facebook and Instagram for entertainment purposes. My needs are fully gratified when I use the various media daily. The first thing I check when I wake up is the weather forecast which helps me decide how to dress.
On the other hand, BBC and CNN help update me on the stories making headlines, including breaking news. I trust these mainstream media because of their credibility in reporting (Rathnayake & Winter, 2018). Lastly, social media is excellent for entertainment. However, I do not trust news posted on social media, especially from media that are not regulated. Therefore, I do not take most social media posts seriously and often rush to c...
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