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How to Get Fat without Really Trying

Essay Instructions:

View the complete documentary "Peter Jennings Reporting - How to Get Fat without Really Trying" on SnagFilms. http://www(dot)snagfilms(dot)com/films/title/peter_jennings_reporting_how_to_get_fat_without_really_trying
Take good notes while viewing.
Write a 500-word (minimum) thoughtful and critical essay on the documentary, focusing on at least TWO of contentious issues emerged from the film and making an good effort to relate the issues to your personal experience.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Weekly Discussion: How to Get Fat without Really Trying
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Weekly Discussion: How to Get Fat without Really Trying
The documentary was aired first on 8th December 2008 by ABC News. However, despite it being produced about a decade ago, some of the ideas or realities are still correct and not much has changed in the film “To Get Fat Without Really Trying.” This is actually a voluble debate that is currently taking place in regards to the nation’s health system. Actually, Peter Jennings’ ideas in this documentary are head-shaking and may influence someone to make their stomach queasy. In summary, Jennings reports beliefs that marketing and subsidies are not so good for the people.
Politics and Money
Through this voluble debate, Jennings elaborates the farm subsidies from the American government farm and dexterous commercial marketing have played a major role in making Americans fat. This explains why obesity is rapidly becoming the greatest health challenge on the land. Yet, money and politics continue to determine the efforts of modifying subsidies that are directed to harmful foods such as corn syrup, or limiting promoting junk foodstuffs to children. Peter Jennings compares such efforts to the ring produced by the alarm on obesity which was made public by parties that were trying to obliterate advertising of cigarette from the Television and control the usage of this substance. Ironically, the man saw his demise which was instigated by lung cancer after life-long smoking addiction.
Harmful Subsidies
The United States agri...
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