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How the Iraq War Redefined the Role of a Combat Engineer

Essay Instructions:
Task: Conduct an EN battlefield functions assessment of a U.S. Army action or named operation (2001 – 2012) focusing on US Army Engineer battlefield functions (mobility, counter-mobility, survivability, general engineering, & geospatial engineering) Condition: Given unlimited historical references, research, computer access for composition, 12 size, Times New Roman font, Microsoft Word document, grading criteria, citing at least two references, and written in APA format. (No abstract required) Standards: Students will write a collegiate level, 1000 word essay (+/- 5%), scoring above 69 points. Title page template included. USE IT. EN BATTLEFIELD FUNCTIONS ASSESSMENT ESSAY 1. Define the Subject and Evaluate the Sources 10pts Total a. Define the Action to be Analyzed (Where, When, Who) b. Research Sources (First-Hand Accounts, Books, Articles, Photos, Videos) c. Evaluate Sources for Content and Bias 2. Set the Stage (Long and Short-Term Contexts/Shaping Actions) 25pts Total a. Strategic/Operational Overview – 5pts b. Study the Area of Operations – 5pts i. Weather ii. Terrain c. Compare the Principle Antagonists (Host Nation) – 10pts i. Size and Composition ii. Technology iii. Doctrine and Training iv. Logistical Systems v. Intelligence vi. Condition and Morale vii. Command, Control, and Communications viii. Leadership d. State the Missions and Describe Initial Disposition of Opposing (Host Nation) Forces – 5pts 3. Describe the Action (Answer the “How” Question) 25pts Total a. Describe the Opening Moves of the Action – 10pts b. Detail the Major Phases/Key Events – 10pts c. State the Outcome of the Action – 5pts 4. Assess the Significance of the Action (Answer the “Why” Question) 40pts Total a. Relate Causes to Effects (Key Decision Points) – 20pts b. Establish Military “Lessons Learned” – 20pts i. Principles of War (FM 3-0) ii. Engineer Battlefield Functions (FM 3-34) Grading Standards ≥ 90 = Superior, 89 – 70 = Satisfactory, ≤ 69 = Unsatisfactory All grammatical errors and misspellings will incur a 1pt loss off the total score. *This battle analysis will be reflected on your Academic Evaluation Report (DA 1059) from EBOLC* Additional Guidance - Do not write in outline format, essay format (APA) only. Improper formatting will incur an automatic 10 point deduction from the essay. o Do not construct an abstract for this paper. APA format does use an abstract, we will not for this essay. - Use Welcome to the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) (owl.english.purdue.edu/) to reference proper English composition and APA formatting http://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/ - Do not write in conversational English - Use the Truman Education Center to assist in proof reading your paper. - Essay length o 1000 word +/- 5% is satisfactory o 1000 word +/- 5 – 15% is satisfactory, however the essay will incur 10 point deduction o 1000 word > +/- 15% is unsatisfactory
Essay Sample Content Preview:
How the Iraq War Redefined the Role of a Combat Engineer Name: Course title: Professor: Institution: Date Due: It was in the year 2003 when the American president by then George W. Bush declared war on Iraq. This declaration and subsequent execution of war by the American forces was due to the assumption that the country that was being led by Saddam Hussein was harboring terrorists as well as dangerous weapons of mass destruction. This paper will assess the functions of a US combatant engineer in Iraq war. The basic mission of US army is to fight all the enemies of the state and offer sustained, prompt land dominance across the full range of its operations and conflict spectrum by support of combatant commanders. A combat engineer in US perspective performs various roles related to demolition and construction under combat circumstances. Such roles may involve making trenches, bunker, tank traps, road and bridge construction or destruction, clearing and laying of land mines as well as other physical operations in the battlefront. In essence, the goals of a combatant engineer include facilitation of army operations and movements including those of the friendly forces while impeding the movement and operations of the enemy (US military, 2013). The Iraq war redefined the US military engineer functions, both in reconstruction and in combat. This put to test the swift deployment policy, which heavily depended on the work of engineers. In essence, the engineer combatant were responsible for upgrading, expanding, and updating the equipment fleet of the army, as well as offering the capability of moving around these equipments, materials and gear. They were also relegated with a duty of maintenance of communication systems, transmissions, deployment of compact tele-equipment kits, which enabled field units to directly consult with experts and army commandants in America by use of satellites. They also assisted in moving supplies of construction equipments and fabricated materials such as modular mats that were used for helicopter pads. In addition, they worked closely with other teams that were responsible for explosive ordinance disposal, clearing ammunition dumps and weapon caches so as to improve security and safety ( HYPERLINK "mailto:enr_web_editors@mcgraw-hill.com"  Sawyer and Wright, 2003). Apart from these roles, military engineers were as well involved in various other civic projects. Some of these projects were concerned on improving relations with the local populace, restoring order, and services for the local people and so on. This apparently led to reduction of operation costs. For instance, had the American Army employed local contractors for such jobs, they could have indeed used more money in this Iraq war project. The goal of the engineers during the Iraq invasion was to facilitate mobility for the forces by conjuring an efficient infrastructure in supporting, protecting and sustaining the advances towards their enemy territories. The concept of assured mobility is at the focus of the army department. Moreover, this concept puts the impetus on the lead, hard charging and mechanical i...
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