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How Parents Deal and Raise Their Children

Essay Instructions:
i was asked to do an interview about parents how they deal in raising their children. i lost both interviews so i need my essay to be like i made it from two interviews. Can you do it pay yours points. 1. Briefly describe the demographics for your interviewees and how they were different. 2. Briefly describe how your interviewees responded to the questions. Did they enjoy the interview? Were they more than willing to answer questions and offer their viewpoints, or were they anxious to get it over with? 3. If you personally know the parents, to what extent do you think their answers correspond to how they are raising their children? Does it seem that what they say (or write) matches how they behave as parents? If you do not personally know the parents, did you notice any inconsistencies in the way they responded to questions in the interview? 4. What similarities or differences were there in how the two parents responded? If the answers were different, what about the two parents might explain this? Consider social class, gender, number of children, personality, and so forth. 5. Imagine yourself as a parent and consider how your answers to these questions might differ from those you collected. Do you think your responses would match those of your parents? Or do you think your own parenting philosophy would be very different from theirs?
Essay Sample Content Preview:

How Parents Deal and Raise Their Children
Briefly describe the demographics for your interviewees and how they were different.
The interviewees were three hundred in total, all of whom were sourced from an area of four hundred square meters. The ages groups of the interviewees were distributed into five clusters; 20s, 30s, 40,50s and those in their 60s.This way, it is easier to sample through the generational changes that take place through time.In a bid to spread the survey a lot further, the groups were separated into ethnic clusters.The idea is to give the rough idea of the differences in the various races parenting objectives, as much as the similarities and whether these differences affected the children; positively or negatively. The main clusters comprise of; Asian, African American, Indian, Alaskan natives,Latinos, European, Native Americans. The study further considered the economical clusters, to eliminate the biases of social classing in the survey. In either of the cases other than that of the single mothers, the two parents were interviewed differently to bring out the best of the results in the survey. This segregation helped in controlling the truth relayed by the parents to the survey in relation to other surveys that have been carried out in the past (Taylor, 2013).
Briefly describe how your interviewees responded to the questions. Did they enjoy the interview? Were they more than willing to answer questions and offer their viewpoints, or were they anxious to get it over with?
To the surprise of the surveying team most of the parents did not feel comfortable with questions. Less than 20% enjoyed the interview, the 60s age group (across the board) comprised the majority of this percentage. They were more at ease with the questions, and most gave elaborate scenarios of their relationship with their children through time.The cluster of parents that are high achievers, also felt more comfortable with the parenting questionnaire as opposed to the parents that were not doing so well socially and economically. This was attributed the fact that the well-up families provide better chances to their children to thrive upon. To the children of the wealthy, their parents are role models, combining this factor with that of opening doors for them, it becomes clear why most of these children make it in life. In the same light, these parents feel proud of their parenting skills and as a result feel at ease discussing issues of parenting in great detail. On the contrary majority the parents that are not doing so well financially and socially did not enjoy the interview. Age and the social class, of the parents who were interviewed were the two main factors that affected how well the respondents answered the questions. These factors cut across all the groups, including the single parents. Majority of the parents above the age of 60 and a few in their 50s were very comfortable with the questions. The same was the case with the parents that well-up and socially stable. While majority of those below the age of 50 wanted to get it over with, these also includes the most of the parents in the middle social class and the poor. To this large group, the survey felt like it was questioning their parenting skills and therefore was met with equal measure of hostility. Most of their answers were formulated as a defence other than an honest response (Taylor, 2013).
If you personally know the parents, to what extent do you think their answers correspond to h...
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