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How the Interactivity Between Thought and Bodily Movement Forms Ontological Relation

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Mind-Body Theory
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Mind-Body Dualism
In this paper, I will explain and argue for the interactive substance dualism theory, a more plausible specific version of the mind-body dualism. The interactive substance dualism theory is a metaphysical theory. The mind is a kind of substance in terms of having a body and a corresponding type of spatial primacy. Dualism is a philosophical position developed in Western philosophy that posits mental and physical substances, often termed "mind" and "matter." The theory argues that the mind can exist independently from the matter because it can store information, experience emotions, control the body, think logically, etc. (Nahmias et al., 2020). Additionally, paper will argue why the interactivity between thought and bodily movement fundamentally forms an ontological relation where the mind has been prioritized over matter.
According to the book, the mind can independently relate with the body, although it won't use its own physical body to do the relating. The mind uses properties of spatial primacy, which sometimes allows it to control motion (subtle interaction between thought and action). According to the interactive substance dualism theory, the mind is an active agent. The mind has a spatial primacy over matter, so it will interact with matter often where matter won't interact with the mind. The mind has a certain degree of autonomy but not absolute independence. It couldn't exist without being part of some material object or particles that are physically separated from the conscious things using spatial primacy. The mind's physical body is a localized form of "home" for mechanisms that allow the mind to interact with the rest of the universe. Mind isn't just an emergent property of the brain, but it is a distinct kind of substance that interacts with matter, so it should be classified as a form of "interactive substance dualism."
The theory posits that mind and matter are interactive substances in terms of:
- Interaction: One substance (interactive substance) is separate and independent from another (matter), and they interact with each other.
- Spatial Primacy: Mind is a type of substance that has a localized place in the universe, and it interacts with objects that possess spatial primacy. The mind has a form of spatial primacy where the rest of the universe wouldn't be much different if it didn't interact with any objects that possess spatial primacy. This means that the mind's interactions with the rest of the world should be much different than matter's interactions because they have a form of spatial primacy over their surroundings. The positive case for this theory is that, the theory's four-stage argument can establish that there is a metaphysical mind, an inanimate object has only raw matter or physical force, the problem of mental causation does not exist, and the dependence of the mind on the physical body to experience consciousness and thought is removed. The author concludes that this metaphysical account has considerable intelligibility.
Therefore, one positive argument that supports the theory is that the mind has spatial primacy. It interacts with objects that possess spatial primacy, so it has the form of spatial primacy. The theory argues that qualities of spatial primacy are reasons why the mind's interaction with matter is fundamentally different than matter's interaction with itself or other objects. This argument isn't perfect because I didn't explain why properties like spatiality and locality are basic forms of priority in terms of shaping the fundamental interactions between substances (mind and matter). The theory can apply to some types of religious views because God is often thought to be something like a mind or an immaterial substance (non-physical substance) that exists outside the confines of the physical world (a local supernatural interventionist God). The theory also applies to the issues of mind and matter because the content of the mind is like a non-physical substance, and it can be manifested as thoughts, emotions, and other mental properties. The second reason why I believe this theory is better than some other theories:
- An Augmented Non-Physical Theory: The interactive substance dualism theory proposes that the mind has some form of spatial primacy by interacting with objects that possess spatial precedence. It's important to point out that the approach upgraded non-physical substances as "interactive substances."
- Physicalism: The interactive substance dualism theory is a type of dualism because it proposes that minds and matter interact to form an interactive non-physical substance. It's not just a physicalism theory because it doesn't suggest that the mind has any physical properties.
However, some arguments are raised against these positive arguments about the theory. These may include:
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