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How Education Can Solve Overcrowded Prison Research

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 How Education Can Solve Overcrowded Prison Research

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How Education Can Solve Overcrowded Prison
How Education Can Solve Overcrowded Prison
Educational programs in prison are aimed to rehabilitate inmates and model them to be productive members of the society after they leave correctional facilities CITATION Jea131 \l 1033 (Ballantine & Roberts, 2013). As more prisoners get education in the prison, they tend to reform quicker and are more likely to get paroles for their sentences. Parole is an effective proposition of reducing prison overcrowding CITATION Ale11 \l 1033 (Thio & Taylor, 2011). Educational programs offer prisoners platform to showcase their change of character, attitude and habits. If they convince the management that they can rejoin the society, and not likely to recidivate, they can be send to prerelease facilitiesCITATION Com16 \l 1033 (Alarid, 2016).
Educational programs play a critical role in preparing inmates to rejoin the society and if their progress is remarkable and convincing, they can earn parole or petition for shorter sentences thus reducing overcrowding in the prison. Some correctional facilities like the New Mexico prisons that prisoner can have several months taken off their sentences for completing a bachelor degree CITATION Chr14 \l 1033 (Zoukis, 2014). Light offenders who show commitment and dedication to education programs can be released with modicum to serve lighter sentences like community service CITATION Sha12 \l 1033 (Barton-Bellessa, 2012). Reducing sentences for highly educated prisoners and finding alternative sentences for light offenders who show good education progress in prison is a sure way to contain overcrowding in correctional facilities.
Concisely, prison educational programs are critical in serving the purpose of correctional facilities by rehabilitating inmates. Therefore, efforts and resources channeled through prison educational programs play a significant role in achieving that purpose. c...
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