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How Does Intercultural Awareness Affect One’s Own Cultural Self-Awareness

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How does intercultural awareness affect one’s own cultural self-awareness?
Intercultural awareness implies evaluating and understanding those from different cultural backgrounds and culture influence perceptions when interacting with individuals from diverse cultures and not within a culture. The concept of cultural self-awareness reflects an individual's conscious ability to critically evaluate and understand their culture both objectively and subjectively (Bennett 177). Intercultural awareness, competencies and communication are associated with cultural self-awareness where there is mutual respect among people from diverse cultural backgrounds. 
Intercultural awareness communication improve an understanding of the self and others, allows interaction. One way to evaluate how individuals such as students from diverse cultural backgrounds rely on self-awareness is through intercultural group work. Ideally, through intercultural group work, there should be an improvement in attitudes and intercultural competencies. Training on intercultural competencies facilitates interaction where there is cultural sensitivity and the likelihood of increasing Multicultural Personality Questionnaire (MPQ) scores (Liang and Schartner 7).
Interactions among individuals from diverse cultural perspectives and intercultural communication expose individuals to the dos and don'ts during different cultural situations. Intercultural awareness has a positive influence on cultural self-awareness and especially when there is intercultural communication in an environment with mutual respect and trust. There may be cultural expression in any form of communication, and becoming aware of assumptions about their perceptions and values helps to improve intercultural communication and awareness (Condon 450).  Intercultural interactions allow people to interact with those from diverse cultural backgrounds. There is a better undemanding how their own culture influences their values and perceptions and differences with various groups.
Self-awareness is essential to cultural awareness, where there is a better understanding of an individual's culture and how this differs from other cultures. Reiche pointed out that cultural self-awareness is essential to learn and develop cultural competence as there is increased cultural awareness and intelligence. Cultural self-awareness allows people to be open to those from different cultural backgrounds when they understand their own experiences and sensitivity. On the other hand, if there is a lack of self-awareness, people are less likely to be open-minded and receptive to intercultural interaction and communication. 
Through intercultural awareness and communication, it is easier to negotiate cultural meanings, and this is mainly where there is self-awareness as there is a better understanding of one's culture and other cultures. People interpret communication messages based on their knowledge, which may coincide with the message sender or be different, as is the case where people are from different cultural backgrounds. There are different interpretations of communication messages among those from diverse cultural backgrounds because of different norms, cultural values, and beliefs. Not every interpretation is adequate for effective communication, and efforts to encourage others to understand different cultures and cultural contexts in intercultural communication encourage open-mindedness (Liang and Schartner 11). Intercultural factors force people to reconsider their understanding and interpretation of who they are and how others view them in cross-cultural contexts. 
 People tend to interpret communication and interactions based on their knowledge and experience, and culture influences their worldview bit intercultural interactions. Communication and respect for the diversity of opinions are some of the social competencies that enhance intercultural interactions. Social awareness is enhanced when there is an understanding of the cultural differences and inequalities and people's empathy when interacting with those different from them. Intercultural interactions also encourage ref...
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