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The Houston Astros Cheating Scandal

Essay Instructions:

SEMESTER CRISIS CASE STUDY: The Houston Astros Cheating Scandal

Here are some resources to get you started as you research the crisis:

a) SportingNews.com - July 2020: https://www(dot)sportingnews(dot)com/us/mlb/news/astros-scandal-timeline-sign-stealing-punishment/zbe6j4yoi1g21ia0say31zv3n (Links to an external site.)

b) NY Yankees player DJ LaMahieu shares his feelings in this Twitter video saying that he is “not angry but disappointed” he also hopes that they can move on and know they are playing on a even playing field: https://tinyurl(dot)com/8kyj66mu (Links to an external site.)

c) In an ESPN article from January 2021 Joon Lee, a staff writer for ESPN said as a response to the question “When fans return to ballparks, how will the Astros' reception on the road compare to what it would have been in a normal 2020 season?” (https://tinyurl(dot)com/3xjkz6jh (Links to an external site.))

d) A Sports Illustrated article from February, 2020 touches on what’s next for the MLBPA and MLB.

The suggestion is “It appears the MLBPA’s current strategy is to collaborate with MLB (Links to an external site.) on crafting rules that would restrict the in-game use of video. The logic of those restrictions would be to reduce opportunities for players to electronically cheat.”(https://www(dot)si(dot)com/mlb/2020/02/18/houston-astros-cheating-scandal-mlbpa (Links to an external site.)).

ASSIGNMENT #2 - INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT: Do research to review the background of the case you have been assigned to and answer the questions posed. Submit by Sunday, April 25 before 11:59 p.m.

a) Do Research to review the background of the case you have been assigned to.

Create a timeline of key events as they occurred (from any prodromes that happened before the start of the issue

to today's date / where the issue currently stands). List the top 12-15 events to summarize the timeline in bullet format

using specific dates whenever possible.

b) List key publics the organization SEEMs to have targeted in their responses to the crisis to this point - get as specific and detailed as possible... you may want to break these down by the issues as they arise, as well as demographics and phases of rollout. (we will get more specific with this next week)..

c) Find and list 3-4 “key messages” they used in the mass media & social media responses (like we are sorry, we are working to better our employees…) - you might want to pick different ones used for different phases of the crisis to show an evolution of the statements/approach. Use direct quotes from social media or Mass Media stories and cite these direct quotes

d) List which theories they used to date - and explain why you chose these theories. Again, these may change and evolve at different main phases of the crisis. ***DO NOT make recommendations at this time – you are just reporting the facts as you see / interpret them. (We’ll make our own recommendations next week.)

Please answer the questions on a Word Doc submitted as an attachment.

Length = whatever is necessary to meet the requirements of the assignment... Approx. 2 pages

(Bulleted timeline = about a page; Rest = about a page)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Houston Astros Cheating Scandal
Institutional Affiliation
Course name & number
Due date
* Timeline of key events
* September 2016: Operation “Codebreaker," as Astros dabbed the signal-stealing, began with the plan’s presentation to general manager Jeff Luhnow.
* April 2017: Astros devised ways to pass the illegally obtained signs by passing the data to runners on second base, who would then signal batters of the incoming pitch types.
* June 2017: The banging of a trash can became their primary method of signifying when an off-speed pitch was the next play.
* September 2017: A reliever for the White Sox known as Danny Farquhar first noticed the weird sounds of banging a trash can every time he was on the verge of throwing an off-speed pitch.
* October 2017: Astros beat the Dodgers with 15 home runs to win the World Series.
* December 2017: Astros’ right-hander Mike Fiers became a free agent and exposed the whole plan.
* September 2018: Oakland filed an official complaint against Astros with the Major League Baseball on suspicions of illegally stealing signs.
* October 2018: Paranoia spread on what the Astros were doing to win, and Cleveland and Boston accused them.
* November 2019: The Athletic publishes their damning report of Astro’s history of cheating.
* November 2019: The Major League Baseball (MLB) begins an investigation on the allegations.
* January 2020: The Major League Baseball released its findings that found Astros guilty of using illegal methods to steal signs from 2017-2018. The team was handed a five million penalty, loss of first and second-round picks during the 2020 and 2021 picks, and their general manager Luhnow and field manager Hinch received a one-year suspension from the game.
* January 2020: Astros fired...
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