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History CAAM

Essay Instructions:
What: CAAM (http://www(dot)caamuseum(dot)org/index.htm) Points: 10 Specifics: The California African American Museum has a series of excellent exhibits that revolve around the slave culture of America up to the Civil war. The gallery that houses these exhibits is called the Gallery of Discovery. Visit this gallery and then write a two page double-spaced article about any aspect of the exhibit that you found particularly moving/interesting. Note: If e-mailing, please include a picture (digital, cell phone is great) of yourself on site as proof. If delivering your assignment in person at the Final exam, please bring either a picture of yourself on site, or some museum literature, such as an entrance receipt of some kind. < include the picture plz , otherwise i do not need it !! man thanx Amistad/Glory For 5 points, rent and watch the film Amistad. An extra-credit journal assignment will show up at the end of the semester. For 5 points, rent and watch the film Glory. An extra-credit journal assignment will show up at the end of the semester.
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Slave Ship (Picture)
Societies have been known for trying to preserve their history over sometime. The preservation was traditionally done by the word of the mouth but today different mediums are used for the preservation of history. The California African American museum exists for the purposes of researching, collecting, preserving as well as interpreting the history and culture of African Americans. My interest in the history of the African Americans and the Slavery periods has made it tempting for me to attend the Museum occasionally.
The history of the American society is dotted by struggle between the slaves and the masters. The slaves happened to be men of the African descent who were transported to the American continent by trade merchants while the Masters were the white Natives of the continent who owned large plantations. The history of slavery in the American society actually creates black spots of the country’s position as a superpower in the international system. There have been assertions from different quarters that the differences between the slaves and their masters were the key to the degradation of the Africans and that during the voyage of the slaves there ways intense terror released upon the slaves. The California African American Museum has been in the forefront in preserving the slavery episode showing the life of the slaves as well as preserving the struggle of the slaves who actually overcame all the hurdles of the period to become influential statesmen in the American society like Fredrick Douglas who escaped slavery to become a renowned scholar and advisor to Abraham Lincoln.
In the history books of the Union there have been many written stories which try to capture the life experiences of the slaves during the slave period before the Emancipation of the slaves by Abraham Lincoln. To preserve the history lest we forget where the union has come from different historical experiences have been put down and passed down to different generations in different formats. Pictures of the slaves during the transport as well as in the plantations have been either drawn or kept in museums in different formats for the education of the generations to come. I personally had the chance to visit the California African American Museum where I was able to get view of the different pictures and audio clips of the stories of the slaves. The visit to the Museum actually produces different emotional response since the drawings are exceptional in how they pass the message to the people.
In the museum, one meets different slavery stories and the struggles which the slaves had to pass through to make it in life. The pictures of the slaves in the cotton plantations as well as those of the slaves immediately they were released with much optimism on the faces of the free men. The picture which actually tries to communicate about the transportation of the slaves from the native lands in the West of Africa to America did interest me in a way that I had to do more research on the subject. The slave ships as the picture is all about shows the terror to which the slaves had to endure as they were being violently moved away from their land in Africa to unknown lands of the Americas by the barbaric slave merchants who were motivated by personal gains at the expense of the slaves psychological feelings and human dignity. The most ...
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