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3 pages/≈825 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 10.8

Hearing Loss and Language Development Delay

Essay Instructions:

Summary Paper

A 550 with a maximum of 700 words, summary paper describing your infographic is also required. In your paper, you will reflect on why you chose your topic and provide a description of the target audience, as well as why you chose that target audience. You are also encouraged to include more detailed information about your topic. Your summary paper must include at least 3 references. One reference can be the same as the one used for your infographic. References must be written in APA format. Can be internal or external. Strongly suggest external to learn more about your topic. Your paper will be sent through Turnitin via your submission below in Canvas to ensure academic integrity. Make sure to review the Final Project - Write Up Rubric (PDF) Download Final Project - Write Up Rubric (PDF) before getting started on your write-up.

Make sure that your submission goes through and reaches Canvas, especially close to the time that it is due. It is strongly advised that you start submitting your assignment at 11:30pm if you are submitting close to the due date and time. You will have points deducted if your assignment is late.

Grading of the Summary Paper
Content (30 pts)

Provide 2 or more reasons for choosing the topic
Provide 2 or more reasons for choosing the audience
Describe the audience (i.e. parents/students/ etc.)
Provide substantial summary of the topic.
Include background information
References (10 pts)

Uses and cites 3 or more resources
1 cited resource may be from the infographic references
1 from text book or course lectures
1 resource must be from a reliable external source. Scientific journal, another book, clinical reports. surveys.
all sources cited in- text correctly using A(merican) P(sychological) A(ssociation) format
Reference list follows APA format
Stylistics (10 pts)

Spelling (includes typos)
Length (5 pts)

550 words - 700 words, excluding references.
Format (5 pts)

Font: Times New Roman Font size: 12pt
Spacing: Double spaced
Margins: 1 inch margins all around

In addition, here are some frequently asked questions. PLEASE READ SO YOU UNDERSTAND THE ASSIGNMENT.

Q: Do I have to cite the pictures I use?
A: Ideally, all pictures will comply with copyright law. However, no, for this project we will not be requiring that you include a reference for your images. I encourage you to utilize the cute clip art that comes with some infographic websites.

Q: Are there specific source requirements for references?
A: No, there are no specific resource requirements in regard to type of source. However, the rubric does specify how many are required.

Q: Can I use the textbook or the lecture slides as a reference?
A: Yes.

Q: What is considered a published reference on the Internet?
A: This means that the source comes from a reputable and credible source. This includes domains ending in .gov, .edu, and .org. Do NOT use .com

Q: Do references count towards the word minimum/maximum?
A: No. But citations do count. There are no limits on the number of citations but keep in mind word count limit for paper.write- up.

Q: What do you mean when you say we should keep the infographic to 1 page?
A: Piktochart, for example, gives you the option of a "long page". This is fine because many many infographics do indeed look longer than a standard 8.5x11" page and because infographics are of such a digital nature. Just use your judgment and don't make your infographic excessively long. We want the infographic to be readable and something the audience would be able to see "as a whole".

Q: Can I receive feedback on infographic/document prior to submitting?
A: Unfortunately, we CANNOT provide individual feedback on projects prior to grading, as it would not be fair to other students. We would recommend that you examine the rubrics and make sure you've covered all areas so that you don't lose points. You may email your TA or instructor about your choice of topic. Remember it must be about child language.

Q: I'm still not understanding how to submit my work.
A: You will upload the infographic and summary separately via two assignment submission links. You get two attempts. If you are not happy with your first draft or want to revise your first draft, you can re-upload the document one more time. Contact us if you need an additional attempt.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Hearing Loss and Language Development Delay
Course Instructor
Due Date
Hearing Loss and Language Development Delay
For my project, I chose to make an infographic about hearing loss in general and how it affects children's language development. I chose this topic because of the current childcare landscape within the home nowadays. With the ever-growing expectations and necessity to work more and earn more, more and more parents are not being able to avoid not noticing some minor symptoms that their children might have, and there is now a need to provide accessible and actionable information to busy parents. There are many reasons why hearing loss occurs in children. These reasons include conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss, infections, and medications (Burke, 2012). Conductive hearing loss is common in children because it commonly occurs when foreign objects get stuck in the ears (Burke, 2012). This often happens when children play or are not supervised by their parents. Some causes include congenital hearing loss, like in cases where there are birth defects. Others may be caused by infections or as side-effects of medications or interactions between multiple medications (Burke, 2012). The second reason revolves around the notion of awareness and prevention. Suppose the parents can instantly spot any irregularities with how their children act, showing symptoms of hearing loss, like delayed and unclear speech, inability to follow directions that are given orally, asking to repeat the words frequently, and an excessive need to turn volumes up. In that case, they might get ahead of the situation and get medical help (CDC, 2021).
The intended audiences are the parents or care providers of children who have experienced any of the possible causes of hearing loss. This set of audience was chosen because there are a lot of parents who do not have time to do extensive research on what ails their children. This is whe...
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