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Healthy People 2020: The Study Question and Is It Relevant?

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Healthy People 2020
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Healthy People 2020
For the last three decades, Healthy people 2020, has been designed towards improving the healthcare quality of a nation through providing a system for public health as well as disease prevention actions ((Perrin, 2014). Health People includes numerous health topics one of them being Diabetes. Diabetes refers to a chronic illness which happens whenever the pancreas fails to generate enough insulin or whenever the body is unable to efficiently utilize the insulin which is produced (Olokoba, Obateru, & Olokoba, 2012). Insulin refers to a hormone which regulates blood sugar. Increased blood sugar, or hyperglycaemia, is an outcome of uncontrolled diabetes, besides, with time it leads to serious harm to diverse body parts, mostly the nerves. Accordingly, this understudy uses Shaw et al. (2012) article to provide an in-depth knowledge of diabetes, one of the focus area of Health People 2020.
The Study Question and Is It Relevant?
The study question is what are the perceived psychological needs as well as barriers to effective management of diabetes amid Alaska Native as well as American Indian (AN/AI) people with type II diabetes getting healthcare at Alaska Native Primary Care Centre (ANPCC). The study question is relevant because it focuses on the diabetes area of Health People 2020. According to Shaw et al (2012), type II diabetes is a global health issue which has become an epidemic in numerous communities. AN/AI persons are excessively diagnosed with type II diabetes, besides, prevalence is rising in a large number among Alaska communities. Developing efficient interventions for diabetes necessitates understanding both psychological and social factors which impact efficient treatment of diabetes, nonetheless, minimal is acknowledged concerning these elements in AN/AI societies (Shew et al., 2012). Through looking at these factors, the study will aid in accomplishing the Human People goal by coming up with disease prevention interventions.
Does The Study Add Anything New?
The study has discovered the significant relationship among diabetes outcomes and diverse psychological factors including absence or presence of depression. For instance, psychological and social support, as well as active participation within self-care, improves health results among diabetic population. Conversely, minimal health results have been linked with existence of emotional and social problems linked to diagnosis plus complex dietary as well as treatment regimens (Shaw et al., 2012).
Persons with chronic diseases are very prone to experience depression compared to general population. Depression among people with diabetes is linked to poor nutrition, challenges in medication management, lessened glycemic control, and lessened physical functionality. Each of these challenges places persons at a higher danger for poor health results and disease-related complications. The article endeavored towards understanding the correlates of depression within this population since it is vital on behalf of managing diabetes on individuals and populace levels.
What Type Of Research Question Is Being Asked?
The research question asked is cause and effect question and is designed towards determining whether one or else more variables impacts health outcomes among diabetic patients. The question being what are the perceived psychological needs as well as barriers to effective management of diabetes amid Alaska Native as well as American Indian (AN/AI).
Was The Study Design Appropriate For The Research Question?
The study design was appropriate as it entailed conducting three focus groups as well as five interviews with thirteen AN/AI adults having type 2 diabetes (Shaw et al., 2012). Focus group and interview questions prompted perceived factors which impact management of diabetes, focusing on the social, spiritual, and psychological effects of diabetes. The study method was appropriate since the findings were valid. The design was able ...
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