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Healthcare Research and Data

Essay Instructions:

1. Describe the role that professional health care organizations and societies play in (1) monitoring quality care, (2) disseminating preventative health care measures, and (3) the public's health care literacy? Select one of the three areas above and discuss established or proposed standards that assist in explaining the role of professional health care organizations and societies.

2. Access the Healthy People in Action section of the Healthy People 2020

Select State Plans from the drop-down menu of the "Healthy People in Action" tab above the main page content. Pick a state (or territory) which has not already been selected by a classmate, and access that state's 2020 Healthy People Plans. Select and summarize one area in the plan you selected that pertains to allied health care delivery in that state (for example, medical sonography, respiratory therapy, radiography, speech pathology, etc.). For the area you picked, what do you think the state plan does well? What could it do better, and how so?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Healthcare Research and Data Author Name Institution Affiliation Part 1 Healthcare centers and societies play an important role in maintaining the quality of care within the country, as people working in hospitals and other medical centers know that the consequences of poor quality can be dire. Financing the rising costs of healthcare is quite challenging, as it requires difficult tradeoffs for governments and families, and those who pay their bills legitimately have a right to know if they will get value for their money or not. It becomes the responsibility of governments to ensure the provision of quality care, and for this purpose, they can collaborate with medical professionals working in both public and private healthcare centers. According to Peter Bradley and Wynford Ellis Owen, besides performing certain duties like making physical assessments, taking vital signs, assisting physicians delivering test results and administering medications, nurses can play an essential role in disseminating important health information (Bradley & Owen, 2015). For this purpose, they should initiate awareness campaigns, collaborate or work individually. As far as the role of societies is concerned, everyone should understand that the core component of healthcare is the prevention of illness, and prevention is possible only if hygienic syringes are used, safe sex is enjoyed, and blood is transferred from one patient to another in a secure environment. There is a strong relationship between health outcomes and literacy, and these health outcomes have been documented in adult medicines, yet certain pathways are yet to be cleared. There is a strong need for societies ...
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