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Healthcare Quality. Analyze 3 quality initiatives for your organization

Essay Instructions:

Assume that you are a Quality Officer who is responsible for one of the state’s largest healthcare organizations. You have been told that the quality of patient care has decreased, and you have been assigned a project that is geared toward increasing quality of care for the patients. Your Chief Executive Officer has requested a six to eight-page summary of your recommended initiatives.

Note: You may create and /or make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

Write a 6-8 page paper in which you:

Analyze three (3) quality initiatives for your organization.

Determine the supporting factors that would aid in the reduction of healthcare cost in your organization without reducing quality of care for the patients.

Differentiate between quality in a free market healthcare system and in single payer government system with three (3) examples for each.

Specify three (3) common law quality initiatives that are still found in 21st century healthcare organizations.

Defend your position on the importance of healthcare quality for your organization. Provide support with at least three (3) examples that illustrate your position.

Assemble a plan to protect patient information that complies with all legal requirements.

Use at least three (3) quality references.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Healthcare Quality
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There has been a lot of medication errors and a reduction in the quality of healthcare offered in hospitals. Therefore, implementations have to be made to ensure that the patients receive the best care possible. The implementations will also be directed towards the reduction of the expenses involved while ensuring that the patients are accorded good quality healthcare. Among the initiatives that will be considered will be timeliness, safety in the hospital and patient-centeredness.
In regard to timeliness, a substantial number of patients in healthcare centers across the country have lost their lives as a result of delays from the medical practitioners. Also, others end up getting health complications that would not have been conducted if the medical practitioners were punctual. Therefore, every employee in the hospital will be trained on how to be punctual in all the activities related to the health of the patient. Such training is not expected to incur costs because it will be done through the workplace meetings. In addition, medical practitioners will be required to obey specific rules in regard to the speed with which they attend to emergencies in the hospital. Emergency cases are the most urgent in the hospital and, therefore, if not handled quickly, then there are high chances that the patient might lose their life. Among the factors that will reduce the cost involved in the issue of timeliness is the creation of a working schedule. This will ensure that every medical practitioner is aware of what they are supposed to be doing in any given moment. The schedules should be placed on the notice boards and also sent to the email addresses of each of the employees.
Also, implementing safety strategy within the hospitals will help in the reduction of medication errors. In most cases, safety issues are as a result of negligence especially in the case of waste disposal. The hospitals will ensure that they place dustbins at strategic places depending on the kind of dirt that needs to be disposed of. For instance, the disposal of needles and other sharp objects would require a lot of keenness to ensure that they are properly disposed of. A prick from a needle is enough to transmit infectious diseases from the patients to the medical practitioners and vice versa. In addition, the nurses will also be taught the various safety rules when dealing with patients to ensure that they provide quality healthcare instead of worsening the conditions of the patient s. Therefore, the implementation of safety strategies does not necessarily require the hospitals to use a lot of capital. However, the safety strategies will cut on the cost that could have spent on attending to safety-related emergencies. It is also important for the hospitals to ensure that they have fire extinguishers in place and the building should have adequate emergency doors that could be used in the case of an emergency. Having such in place would help in the avoidance if the cost that could have been incurred in the case of an emergency. Therefore, the different departments in the hospitals require different safety strategies. The management should identify what each of the departments requires an implement them to ensure the safety of everybody in the hospital (Griffith & Tengnah, 2017). The x-ray and ultrasound rooms require much attention due to the radioactive substances that could be harmful to unauthorized personnel.
Besides, ensuring patient-centered care will also be another strategy for improving the quality of healthcare in hospitals. Patient-centered care means that the medical practitioners will always act in the best interest of the patients. This involves seeking the help of other doctors whenever necessary to ensure that the patient has gotten the best care possible. The act will only require the dedication of the medical practitioner and their actions in regard to their working code of ethics. Therefore, to implement this strategy and in turn, reduce the cost spent to improve healthcare, the hospital management will ensure that all the medical practitioners are reminded of the various codes of ethics that they should follow (Hall, Orentlicher, Bobinski, Bagley & Cohen, 2018). Hence, following such ethics will result in the patients receiving the best care. In addition, a reminder of the code of ethics will not cost the hospital, and in turn, it will have ensured that patients receive the best care possible. Also, the medical practitioners will be required to be patient as much as possible so that they can be able to make the correct diagnosis. The rush resulting from the need to attend to many patients often result in medication errors. Hence, it is better for the nurses to take their time in attending to one patie...
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