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Health Wise to for Women to take Breast Cancer Screening to be Aware

Essay Instructions:

Connections and Reflection

In this two-part assignment, you will apply the PRECEDE-PROCEED model and reflect on your learning in this course. In the Reflection, you will offer your perspectives on a number of guiding questions.

Create a 5-page paper (not including the title and references pages) in a Word document for your response.

Use APA format for the title page, references page, and in-text citations for your paper.

Compose an introduction and conclusion for your paper.

Follow the directions to complete Parts 1 and 2.


The purpose of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model is to provide a structure for applying sound theories in a systematic way. In Modules 1-3, you mapped out theoretical models related to specific health behaviors.

In this assignment, you will apply the PRECEDE-PROCEED model to one of your mapping projects.

Select a map created in a previous module.

Use the PRECEDE-PROCEED model to design an implementation plan for a health education intervention based on the information presented in the map.

PRECEDE-PROCEED Implementation Model

PRECEDE has four phases:

Phase 1: Identify the ultimate desired result.

Phase 2: Set priorities for the health behavior issue identified in the map.

Identify the following:

Behavioral and environmental determinants that stand in the way of achieving the desired result.

Conditions that have to be attained to achieve the result.

Behaviors, lifestyles, and/or environmental factors that affect those issues or conditions.

Phase 3: Identify the predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors that can affect the behaviors, attitudes, and environmental factors given priority in Phase 2.

Phase 4: Identify the administrative and policy factors that influence what can be implemented.

PROCEED has four phases that cover the actual implementation of the intervention and the careful evaluation of it, working back to the original starting point – the ultimate desired outcome of the process. You do not have to implement the intervention; instead, explain how you would implement, evaluate, and judge the impact of the intervention.

Phase 5: Implementation – What is the design, and how will the actual intervention be conducted?

Phase 6: Process evaluation – Will you actually implement the things you planned to do? How will you evaluate this process?

Phase 7: Impact evaluation – Will the intervention have the desired impact on the target population? How will you evaluate the impact?

Phase 8: Outcome evaluation – Will the intervention leading to the outcome (the desired result) that was envisioned in Phase 1? How will you evaluate the final outcome?

Part 2: Reflection

In this Reflection, think about what you have learned, self-evaluate your current knowledge and skill level by responding to the following questions in a two-page paper:

What aspects of this course were most beneficial to you?

How can you apply the knowledge and skills you have acquired in this course in your personal and professional life?

What goals do you have now as a result of the assignments and readings in this course?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Date of Submission
Proposed by Lawrence W. Green, PRECEDE-PROCEEDE model is a cost effective program that can help policy makers, evaluators and program planners to design health programs and analyze situations efficiently. In the framework, health behavior is thought to be influenced by personal and environmental factors, and therefore the framework has two parts. First is PRECEDE which deals more with educational diagnosis (Green & Kreuter, 1999). PROCEED is an acronym for Predisposing, Reinforcing and Enabling Constructs in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation. On the other side, PROCEED deals with ecological diagnosis and it is an acronym for Policy, Regulatory, and Organizational Constructs in Educational and Environmental Development.
The PRECEDE-PROCEEDE model provides a detailed structure for the assessment of health and needs of quality life, designing, implementation and evaluation of health promotion and other health initiatives that require such needs. On guiding principle and purpose of the PRECEDE-PROCEED framework is that it pays more attention to outcomes than inputs. It offers guidance to planners by starting with potential outcomes then works then works in a backwards manner in the causal protocol to identify strategies than can e used to achieve the desired objectives (Crosby & Noar, 2011). An important assumption that underlies the model is the participation of the intended audience. That is to say those, consumers and participants actively take part in the definition of their own problems. Below is a graphical representation of the model.
In this section of the paper, we highlight how we can use the PRECEDE-PROCEED model in the case of a 44 year old that is afraid of taking a breast cancer to ascertain whether she has the disease or not. Also, she needs to be taught about the benefits of taking breast cancer test because at her age she is more exposed to the ailment. Here, we will be using the PRECEDE-PROCEED model to design an implementation plan for a health education intervention for the 44 year woman that is n fear of taking a breast cancer test.
Phase 1
The first stage in the planning phase of the program is concerned with identifying the health problem that is affecting the patient in question (Gielen et al, 2008). The patient is a 44 year old woman who fears taking a breast cancer test. Our desired result is that this woman be convinced to take the breast cancer test to ascertain whether she has the disease or not. If se tests positive for breast cancer, she should be advised on the available treatment.
Phase 2
In this phase, we look at the environmental and behavioral determinants that would affect the attainment of desired results. From an environmental perspective, the patient’s perception is that she does not think she can be affected with breast cancer because none in her family lineage has ever been affected with the same (Gielen et al, 2008). This should be countered by being educated about predisposing factors that exposes one to the disease. Also, in this stage, we will access the lady’s readiness to change that perception and prepare the resources needed like health education programs. We will also form a planning committee and hold interviews with patient to draw more information about her situation. These activities will greatly benefit the beneficiary as they will let her sees things from a professional perspective. This will help demystify her perception that if found with breast cancer she would die since she will be educated about the seriousness of the disease and offered available treatment. For her to perform the breast cancer test, she will have to eradicate the fear within her.
Phase 3
Once the environmental and behavioral factors are established and the interventions selected, we will then select the factors that if modified will cause behavior change and make the desired result more attainable. The factors could be predisposing, enabling and reinforcing factors. In the case of the woman who fears taking a breast cancer test, she has been hindered more by enabling factors. The enabling factors are the environmental characteristics that facilitate action, resources or skills to do something (Gielen et al, 2008). In our healthcare case, our client does not want to take a breast cancer test because she believes that she cannot be affected by the disease because she has never encountered it in her family lineage. She also thinks that because she does regular exercise and eats a balance diet, she is in good health and cannot contract the disease. On this the client should be advised that regular tests are equally important.
Phase 4
In this fourth phase, we look at the policy and administrative factors that influences the implementation of breast cancer screening. Health policy advanced by the ACS about breast cancer screening in the USA states that women are recommended to start breast cancer screening at the age of 45 years (Oefinger et al, 2015). This screening is recommended to be done yearly until the woman attains the age of 54. Alternatively, some women can undergo breast cancer screening once in every two years. And this screening should be done so long as the woman has a life expectancy of 10 or more years.
In light of the administrative diagnosis, there is a need for a budget for the behavior change. Based on the financial capacity and the seriousness of the issue, we shall come up with a budget that will enable us financially cater for the behavior change (Gielen et al, 2008). Also, we shall source for facilities where we can get affordable cancer testing machines and resources to avoid straining our client’s pocket.
The part that follows in this behavior change program using the PRECEDE –PROCEED model is the second phase which is the latter. PROCEED is made of four phases that entails intervention implementation, working back to the starting point and the desired project outcome.
Phase 5
This is the project implemen...
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