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Harlem Renaissance Poets

Essay Instructions:

Harlem Renaissance Poets. Essay & Poem. Choose two (2) poems by different authors from the Harlem Renaissance. Write an essay that: 

Describes each author’s role and importance within the Harlem Renaissance. 

Identify the elements in each of their poems in which you see evidence of the “double-consciousness” being expressed by each author. 

Fully describe at least two (2) primary themes you see in the poetry written during this time period, referring to specific lines in each of the poems. 

Write your own poem that expresses these identified themes of the Harlem Renaissance

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Harlem Renaissance
The Harlem Renaissance was an explosion of expression that took place among the African Americans during the 1920s and the 1930s(HISTORY.com, 2015).It was a time the African Americans found their inner feeling and aspiration for the society and brought it out inform of art, music and writing. Creative arts became a part of the society that was previously oppressed relative to their minority status.Of the many forms of writing were the poems. One of the groups of poems that have become a point of reference of the African American culture and in the literature field is the Harlem Renaissance, which basically a movement. Before this movement much of the literature work published was from the white population with a bias on men(HISTORY.com, 2015).
Of the many poets that wrote some of the most remarkable pieces was Langton Hughes(Hughes, 2015). With several titles to his name, Hughes wrote a poem titled Harlem, which is one of the acclaimed pieces of all his poems.The poet subtle contribution to the Harlem Renaissance through the expressive short stories, emotionally expressive novels, and heartfelt poems. His works were an expression of the pains and the laughter that the African American went through as they tried to establish their lives and culture in a society that considered then inferior to the white population. Using his works he described the various aspirations that the African Americans had in their new found freedom status and what it felt like trying to fight the stereotype. As such, his importance in the Harlem Renaissance can never be understated relative to the great role that he played through his work(Hughes, 2015). Reading through the poems, novels and short stories it is easy to relate to the African American society regardless of one’s race. The pieces are developed with such realism to help readers who never actually experienced the hardships appreciate the depth and identify with African Americans’ struggles. The poem is also referred to as ‘Dream deferred’ relative to the main theme of the poem.
Double consciousness is expressed in the poem in reference to the fact that African Americans had dreams to be assimilated into the American society, as equals rather than minorities despite the fact that they also wanted to identify with their ancestral significance(Hughes, 2015). This is an element that draws on the element of belonging to a larger group of people, while still maintaining their identity as part of a separate group of persons united by their ancestral ties and bound by the dream of becoming American.
Of the major themes in the poem, is the one related to the title, dreams. This is an aspect that...
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