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Why Does Hamlet Delays Taking His Revenge

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I need a five paragraphs essay with a thesis statement in the first paragraph. Also, it requires MLA citations.

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Why Does Hamlet Delays Taking His Revenge
Shakespeare is known for his complex and ambiguous works, and Hamlet is one of his literary tragedy where he presents in complexity of human nature and examination of human behaviour that leaves much room for interpretation and analysis. In recap, the protagonist of the drama, Prince Hamlet, is a young man whose father has mysteriously murdered two months prior the beginning of the play. Hamlet learns that his uncle Claudius might have a hand in his father death, but he’s reluctant to take revenge despite making a vow that he will avenge for his father. Throughout, the play, Hamlet passes up multiple chance to kill Claudio. This begs the question, Why is Hamlet reluctant to revenge on his fathers’ death? Literature critics have been arguing about Hamlet decision for years. Several possibilities of Hamlet’s delay have been put forth in an attempt to explain the scenario. For instance, some critics have been arguing suggesting that Hamelt decision was a result if his melancholic and depressed situation that rendered him inaction, while others argued that maybe Hamlet was waiting for a better opportunity to pounce or maybe he was too moral to commit murder. Other speculations suggest that Hamlet is more of a scholar than an avenger, he is a master of procrastination, and maybe afraid or insane. The combination of all these arguments could be the probable reasons behind Hamlet’s decision. However, the three major reasons that made Hamlet to postpone his revenge mission were, his doubtfulness to the ghost, his unpreparedness, and the dilemma between his conscience and honour.
Hamlet was overwhelmed by the burden of doubt after recovering after the trauma of confronting his father’s ghosts. He decides to bide his time since he was not convinced by the ghosts message, as it was a serious accusations. His castigated the spirit’s questionable command buy cursing it spontaneously with, "0 fie!" and swears to remember the "poor ghost.” He is unsure whether the the ghost message is a spirit of health or a goblin damn. The seeds of doubts keeps on lingering in Hamlets’ mind and face the dilemma of whether to follow the ghost command or not. In addition, Hamlet’s hesitancy is also propelled by fear he developed after encountering his father’s ghost in the dream. The fear emanates from the idea the ghost might be an evil, and following its instruction was equal to putting his soul in danger. This is why Hamlet decided to seek the truth and conformation of the message by looking for signs of guilt in Claudius. In a moment, the Hamlets doubts were swept aside by the melancholic emotions triggered by his nostalgic recollection of his loving father and his horror and pitying of his spirit. This moments spurred Hamlet to vow about revenging for his father. After the moments of passions dwindles, Hamlets aggression and anger towards the spe...
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