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Gun Ownership and Control

Essay Instructions:

Directions and Grading:

In this assignment you will design your own survey with 10 items/questions. You will go through each step listed below and create a paper that is at least 4-6 pages in length – not including your title page.

Step 1: Choose your topic

In this section of the paper, you will outline your topic choice. You can pick any topic that interests you and this topic can come from any field. For example, you could pick a topic about political attitudes, which type of entertainment people enjoy, attitudes about crime and punishment, opinions about the federal government, or any other issue you choose. Just be sure that you can create a 10 item/question survey using your topic.

You will need to outline your topic choice and why you picked this topic for your survey. This section should be at least one strong paragraph in your paper.

Step 2: Data

This section of the paper has three parts. First, you will decide whether or not you want to conduct a research project using quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods. This answer will determine the type of items/questions you include in your survey. Explain your reasoning behind your choice. What are the advantages and disadvantages behind your selection?

Second, you will decide if your items/questions will be closed, open-ended, or a mixture of both. Remember, your choice of quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods will determine the type of items/questions that you choose for your survey.

Finally, what will be your method of data collection? Would you conduct the survey through personal interviews, over the telephone or computer, through the mail, or through email? Why did you choose this method of data collection and what are the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen method?

Step 3: Research question and variables

Once again, this section of the paper consists of multiple parts. First, you will need to first come up with your overall research questions. For example, if you picked attitudes toward crime and punishment, then you would need to think of a research question that will address this topic. So, you could create a research question such as "how do college students view crime and punishment in our society?"

Second, you will determine the independent variable (IV) and dependent variable (DV) in your research question. Clearly state your variables in this section of the paper. Explain why you picked your independent variable and dependent variable. Start by defining independent and dependent variables and show that you understand why your independent variable is in fact your independent variable and not your dependent variable. Do the same for the dependent variable.

Step 4: Hypothesis

In this section of the paper, write a hypothesis about what you think is the likely answer to this research question. Remember, your hypothesis should be testable and falsifiable. Explain the reasoning behind your hypothesis and how it is both testable and falsifiable.

Step 5: Survey items/questions

For this section, you will create the actual items/questions that will go in your survey. You have to create at least 10 items/questions for this assignment. You can create more if needed for your topic. These survey items/questions can be laid out in bullet form in the paper. You will be graded based on validity of the items/questions and whether or not the items/questions follow the design requirements mentioned in the contents this week.

Step 6: Explain the validity and reliability of the survey

In this final section, you will explain why your survey is valid and reliable. How does the survey address your original topic? Would participants be likely to give the same answers if they took your survey over again?

Also, you can watch the following video to learn about important pitfalls to avoid when designing questions for your survey.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gun Control
Student’s Name
Gun Control
Step 1: Choosing topic
For this assignment, I chose the topic of gun control. Gun control refers to a set of laws and regulations aimed at limiting gun ownership and use, particularly among weapons. Gun regulation is stringent and uncontroversial in Western developed nations. In other places, it is a contentious political issue, with supporters arguing that it is necessary for public safety and opponents arguing that it is a hazardous invasion of human liberty. Gun regulation is more polarizing in the United States than anywhere else globally, where gun ownership is protected by the Constitution although individual and mass killings with weapons are too frequent. Because the issue of gun control is so controversial, politicians do not pass any effective legislation and regulations in the aftermath of such murders (Burton et al., 2021). The United States has by far the highest rate of homicides committed with weapons among developed countries. Supporters of stricter gun laws argue that it will save lives and reduce crime; opponents argue that it will do the opposite by prohibiting civilians from protecting oneself from violent robbers (Burton et al., 2021). Citizens, on the other hand, participate in protests that quickly dissipate. The American public is divided on gun ownership and regulations, a freedom guaranteed by the Second Amendment. As a result, as individuals try to come to an amicable understanding of the Second Amendment and the freedom of people to own weapons, this issue will serve as a suitable poll to gather varied viewpoints concerning gun regulation.
Step 2: Data
I shall do quantitative research in this paper. Quantitative research entails the gathering and analysis of numerical data. It is appropriate for gun control polls because multiple people may share the same viewpoint. For example, some people may advocate for additional gun possession controls and legislation, while others may support adherence to the Second Amendment's right to own a gun (Burton et al., 2021). Finding trends, testing causal linkages, making forecasts, calculating averages, and generalizing conclusions to larger populations can all benefit from quantitative analysis of gun control data. Quantitative data analysis has the advantages of being able to handle large samples, allowing for hypothesis testing and direct comparisons of outcomes. The method's flaws include a narrow focus, superficiality (i.e., it is precise and limiting), a lack of context, and structural bias.
Closed-ended questions are common in surveys, so that is what I will use. When users do not have to enter as much, closed-ended questions have been demonstrated to have higher response rates. Also, responses to closed-ended questions are simple to statistically evaluate, which is exactly what I want to do with the data from the gun control survey. Emails will be my technique of data collecting. An email survey is a method of gathering data by delivering questionnaires to a specific group of people via email. Emails have been shown to be effective in collecting quantitative data via surveys, which is why I picked this strategy. Furthermore, given the current global Covid-19 outbreak, it is best to avoid one-on-one contact as much as possible.
When compared to traditional methods, emails have the following advantages as a method of gathering information or data: they focus on providing better response rate than most other methods, they are cost effective and require limited funds, the survey results have a very small error margin, and they enable a researcher to...
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