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Is gun control an effective method of reducing crime?

Essay Instructions:

This is an argumentative eassy .

Remember to finish your introduction with a thesis statement that provides a clear focus for the essay.

Body Paragraphs

Here are two ways to organize this part of the essay:

1. Block Pattern: Write separate paragraphs

For example, let’s say there are two premises and one conclusion within the author’s central argument:

Body paragraph: premise #1

Body paragraph: your evaluation of premise #1

Body paragraph: premise #2

Body paragraph: your evaluation of premise #2

Body paragraph: Conclusion

Body paragraph: your evaluation of the conclusion

2. Point-by-Point Pattern: Write combined paragraphs

For example, let’s say there are two premises and once conclusion within the author’s central argument:

Body paragraph: premise #1 and your evaluation

Body paragraph: premise #2 and your evaluation

Body paragraph: conclusion and your evaluation


Your last paragraph should stress the importance of the thesis statement, give the essay a sense of completeness, and leave a final impression on the audience (i.e., the readers).

• Answer the question "So What?" Show your audience why this essay was important, meaningful, and useful.

• Synthesize, don't summarize Don't simply repeat things that were in your essay. They have read it. Show your audience how the points you made and the support and examples you used were not random, but fit together.

• Redirect your readers Give your audience something to think about, perhaps a way to use your essay in the "real" world. How could critical thinking concepts be used to evaluate arguments about controversial issues?

• Make a prediction or suggestion about the controversial issue. Do you think this controversial will remain debatable? Do you think there might be ways to resolve the controversy?

Part IV: The Infographic

You should attach an infographic to your written response that is related to some aspect of your controversial issue from PW.

Answer the following questions about it:

• Which aspect of my topic does the infographic address?

• Does the infographic present data in a way that is revealing or surprising?

• What is the source of the infographic and which side (if any) does it represent?

Extra Credit! (Up to 10 points)

What aspects of enumerative induction can you describe about the infographic? For example, what is the target population/group, sample members and size, relevant property, and/or representativeness of the infographic?

Before final paper I need get draft.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Is Gun Control an Effective Method of Reducing Crime?
Is Gun Control an Effective Method of Reducing Crime?
The question of whether gun control is an effective method of reducing crime does not require the genius mind to obtain an answer. Countries with strict rules on accessing guns have similar rates of violent just like those countries without stringent measures on firearms. Some believe that extremely tight gun control laws will eliminate crime. However, the law only prevents the good and vulnerable guys from improving their security. Psychologists will need no substantial evidence to prove that crimes reside in mind. Criminals with the hideous motive of committing a crime will have ways of getting weapons, whether it be from hiring experts to assemble the firearms under their presence or black market. Introducing gun control policy will not deter their criminal plans. In respect to this, the essay herein will discuss why gun control is not an effective method of reducing crimes.
Removing the weapons from the public is a terrible mistake and falling in the trap of the criminals. More good often comes from owning a weapon than bad. The good members of the public are capable of stopping crimes in progress when they have armed than when they are denied the right to access the firms. Moreover, fighting terror even in public institution and malls becomes easier when the public are armed than when they are disarmed. Disarming the public makes them more vulnerable and dependents of government security agencies. England for instance, reports high cases of home invasions, robberies and other crimes because the public is restricted from accessing weapons (Lott, 2013). Removing the guns from the hands of the public will centralize the security matters, thus mandating the national government to respond in case of an attack. This policy will make the public more vulnerable to criminals who are ever ready to release their homicide activities.
Gun control advocates and proponents are misinformed between the crime and owning a gun. Crimes are not subjected to gun control. States with strict gun laws, like California, reports high cases of gun-related homicides and crimes than states with loose gun laws (Weisburd, Telep, Hinkle, & Eck, 2010). This claim is true since the attackers are pretty sure that their target has little security attached to them. Banning firearms from the public will not influence the destined aim of criminal to own more illegal weapons. The banning policy only denies the innocent and law abiding citizens the right to counterattack the criminals. In other words, guns in the hands of the law abiding citizens can be used to stop crime and save a life.
The argument by gun control proponents that firearms are involved in massive human deaths is unsubstantiated. Ideally, guns can kill but what if the gun holder is trying to protect his or her life? Banning guns from the public is a schem...
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