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Grandparents/Extended Families as Caregivers

Essay Instructions:

Answer the question with lots of detail

Select a first person narrative from a family member in the identified community (North York, Etobicoke) in the assignment. This could be in the form of a short video clip(youtube) of a parent , a short reading from a passage in a book, an article written by a parent, or it could be a student who shares their own experience as a parent. It must be the parent (family member’s) voice shared.

Current Canadian statistics and demographics on the family type (Example: what percentage of families in Canada who are indigenous, gay, refugee...etc.). You may wish to browse the Vanier Institute site for facts in addition to other reputable sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Grandparents/Extended Families as Caregivers
Grandparents/ Extended Families as Caregivers
Parents and children of the current generation face a very different world than those of the previous generation. Appreciating these differences can help today’s parents navigate the role of grandparents in a child’s development in life and on the flip side, help grandparents play a special role in the family. Balancing employment demands among young parents in Etobicoke community of North York has posted immense challenge in consolidating the family. Many grandparents care for their grandchildren on a part-time or full-time basis because their adult children are unable to find or to afford adequate childcare for their children. In North York, both parents work outside of the home in 70 percent of households with young children. In respect to this, the essay herein will reflect on the personal experience as a parent on having grandparents as caregivers.
I could not weigh an option of staying at home as a mother to take of children and conduct other family chores. The cost of housing and economic conditions in North York are such that if one parent in every family stayed home, the number of poor children in Canad...
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