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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Gilgamesh compare with any thing

Essay Instructions:
HUMA 201 Term Paper Instructions You have a term paper due on November 21st, the last class day before Thanksgiving break. You will email it to me on that day, by 5:00 p.m, as an attachment, either in Microsoft Word (any version) or as a richtext file (talk to me if you don't have Microsoft Word on your computer and you don't know how to save in richtext). The title of the file you send me should be your first and last name, in that order. I will not be accepting hard copies (paper copies). Your paper must be in Times Roman font, 12-point, with 1” margins on all sides (note that you may have to change the default settings for your left and right margins), double spaced (set the spacing to 2, with no extra spacing between paragraphs; do not use hard returns). Do not use a justified right margin. Do set up proper headers. In old versions of Microsoft Word, headers come under “View”; in newer versions, they come under “Insert.” Follow the example of the sample below. The key to being able to put your full info on page 1 (without starting page numbering) and just your last name and page number on the following pages, is to check the “different first page header” box. You should have a title, centered at the top of the page, and then your text should begin (again follow the sample). No title pages. Your paper will be two (fairly long) paragraphs. The sample I've added at the end is 668 words, with 326 in the first paragraph and 342 in the second. Your target should be 300 to 350 words for each paragraph. In your first paragraph, you will tell a story that updates one of the works from our syllabus to a 2012 scenario in the professional world (see the sample in the last three pages of this document). In your second paragraph, you will articulate exactly how your story updates the ancient work, and point out what your parallel helps us to see (look at the last three sentences of the sample). It might make sense for you to skip to the sample now, read it, and then return to these instructions. Because the sample updates the San story of the lion and the hunter, you cannot use that one, but you can choose from any other work on our syllabus up to this point in the semester. Your updated story must involve a business or professional setting, as you see in the sample. I know that sometimes in class we talk about families, high schools, etc., but I'd like for you to be thinking about how the works we study might say something about the world you will enter after graduating from Morgan State. If you like, make your modern scenario have something to do with the specific profession that you aspire to after graduation. Do not make your characters have family relationships—and no sports stories! Also, I know that in class we have already “updated” many of the works, and your own update might end up echoing some of what we discussed in class, but try to show me at least some originality rather than just writing up your notes from class on a parallel that I sketched out for you. (Even the sample is much more fully realized that the simple parallel I sketched out for you in class that day. There are at least many original details in the sample, compared to the brief basic parallel I pictured for you in class when we went over the San story.) This is your chance to show me what you can do, so don't just show me that you can parrot back to me my own classroom lectures. There are students who will get carried away with the first paragraph (the story paragraph), giving too many details and sub-plots. Keep your first paragraph to the 300-350 word target, focusing in on the crucial elements of the ancient work that you want to include in your update, and setting aside the less central elements. Again, use the sample to gauge the level of detail you should shoot for. There are students who, having told their updated story in the first paragraph, feel like all the relevance is self evident, and so they do a thin second paragraph of just a couple of sentences. Do not drop the ball on paragraph two—this is arguably the crucial paragraph in which you show me your full grasp of the ancient work and its significance. In the second paragraph, you need to articulate fully and explicitly the points that are only implicit in the first paragraph. This assignment is intended to be fun to some extent—it's also consistent with what we are trying to do in the class, which is to find the relevance of these strange and ancient works. Note though that the assignment is not a toss off. What you turn in should reflect a considerable amount of thought on your part, a genuine understanding of the work you choose, and much care in articulating your ideas. What will be the criteria for judging your paper (what is your grade to be based on)? - 1) It should be clear that you have read the instructions carefully, have studied the sample, and have written your paper accordingly. I do not like to waste my time giving you extensive materials like this, only to have you ignore them. You may consult me for clarification about the assignment, but not before reading the instructions and sample carefully. I.e., do not come straight to me, especially at the last minute, and ask, “so what are we supposed to do?” - 2) Your contemporary parallel should truly connect to the work from our syllabus in at least some ways that are crucial to the meaning of the work. Of course there will be differences, but some essential element should be carried over (such as, in the sample, the dynamic between the lion-shaman, the hunter, and his people). Note also the many little details in the sample that link the modern parallel to the ancient work, such as the bond created between lion and hunter after the lion has licked the hunter's tears, and the bond created between Leo and Andre after they've gotten drunk together; or the death pact in the ancient story, and the mutual job loss in the update. - 3) Your paper should genuinely shed some light on the work (in the sample, the parallel helps us to see the basis of the conflict between the shaman and the hunter, as well as the bind it puts the San people in). - 4) Your parallel should genuinely demonstrate the contemporary relevance of the ancient work (the sample shows that there are conflicts between ways of doing business in 2012). In order to accomplish this, your parallel needs to be plausible. Once I had a student do an update of the San lion story (it was allowed that semester), and she had it that an actual shaman worked for some company, putting spells on people and killing enemies by magic. I wouldn't call that a successful update of the material. - 5) Your paper should be well-written: grammatically correct, with proper spelling and punctuation, with solid sentence structures, and with the right words used for your intended meanings. As the paper is short, there is no reason why you should not demonstrate considerable care in getting the details right. The sample follows beginning on the next page:
Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Epic of Gilgamesh
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Date of submission
Jason a young man born in a small rural town has known nothing beyond life in this town. He was educated in this town where he did not get any male model at the time. His father was abusive and violent to his mother and this led Jason to be influenced by her mother that he had to depend by himself as there was no cavalry that would come. The early experiences of Jason of domestic abuse illiteracy and fear were thing he wanted to avoid in the future. When he reached the majority age he married educational expert as he pursued his education in heath care. The dynamic of health made him to abandon his career that consequently led to him to be detached with his wife. Jason had a son and was employed in a company paying pea nut and this was less enough for the family abandoning the job to take his own sale job. Jason struggled with his sale job from city to city trying to make ends meet. During this time his wife had succumbed to a terminal disease and within no time died living Jason as the care taker of their son.
Thing did not turn out well for Jason as he was not able to pay rent forcing him to live the live of homelessness. Jason had to struggle with homelessness together with his son until a time came when he was offered training in brokerage firm. He would spend nights in the office floor after hour at parks and sometimes in bathroom at train station. After training from the brokerage firm Jason was offered a job which saw him earn a little more that he was able to save. It took him two years to establish a small brokerage firm in another city and specialized in equity and debt for large institution through experience and training he received. His firm grew steadily and become one of...
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