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World Geography

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World Geography
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World Geography
The Russian Federation consists of several distinct natural zones. Identify the zone that corresponds to the coniferous forest region. 33
The mountain chain in west central Russia is often regarded as the boundary between Europe and Asia is the 25.
In recent years, the migration of people in the United States has generally followed a pattern from the Northeast to the 16.
The geological core region of the North American continent is the 12.
On the Eurasian landmass, the region bounded by 2, Odessa, and Kuznetsk is the most developed urban-industrial complex in the commonwealth of Independent States (C.I.S).
The country which acts as a buffer zone between Russia and China is 3.
Whereas great industrial progress has been achieved under communism, the Soviet 21 sector has remained inefficient and a persistent problem.
What climate in Anglo America is characterised by violent summer storms when warm humid air masses interact with cold polar air? 7
Since the 1990s what Russian republic with an Islamic population has been fighting a discontinuous war for independence from Moscow? 36
The large Canadian aluminium industry is based on 24.
Identify the river most responsible for draining out much of the Great Lakes watershed. 6
The term 28 is used to describe an inland climate that is remote from the moderating influence of large water bodies.
Historically, the three dominant culture hearths of the United States were the Mid-Atlantic, New England, and the 10.
What city in the United States contains the largest urban cluster of Asian ethnic groups? 31
Montreal and the lower course of the St. Lawrence Seaway are located in the Canadian province of 8.
Canada leading industrial zone or complex is included within the region known as the 32.
A unique form of settlement developed in French Canada to provide farmers with better access to river transport is the 14.
Moving westward from the truck farming belt surrounding the Megal...
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