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genre of communication technology or a specific communication phenomenon to write about.

Essay Instructions:
For this assignment, you will select a highly specific genre of communication technology or a specific communication phenomenon to write about. When I say "genre of communication technology" and "communication phenomenon" I am referring to a subset: not just "television" or "social media" or something like that. What I am looking for is something like "cable news" or "Twitter" or something on that level: a big thing, but not too big. It can be even more specific than this, actually, such as over a single event or type of media. Please run your idea past me to ensure that I think it is a viable object of study, and that you have a viable "angle" on it. After careful and sustained study, you will craft 5-7 page (excluding the title page and references) research essay that analyzes the role (meaning, influence, effects, use, and/or meaning) of that communication technology in society. Your essay will be comprised of three major components: Part 1 – History of Communication Technology: In 1+ pages, you will discuss the development, adoption, and use of your communication technology. Part 2 – Literature Review: In 1-2 pages, you will synthesize and evaluate what other scholars have had to say about your communication technology.  Please consult the Communication and Mass Media Complete index through the University Libraries and/or use Google Scholar. I highly recommend either being on campus or using an approved UCD VPN in order to avoid journal paywalls. Part 3 – Critical Assessment: In 2-3 pages, you will present an original analysis of the role your communication technology plays or has played in in the development of human history and culture. "Original analysis" means that you are building on what you have presented in your literature review. You can provide observations that corroborate or challenge what the research says (or a bit of both). Please don't write "Part 1" and so on in your essay as a means of separating out parts of the essay—the above is only an organizational template of how your essay should naturally flow.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Role of Twitter on the Society as a Communication Platform About. Name Institutional Affiliation Date Role of Twitter on the society as a communication platform Introduction Twitter is a free social tool for messaging purposes which enables people to remain connected via short message updates that comprise of a maximum length of 140 characters known as tweets (Bells, 2017). Twitter came into existence approximately the same time smart phones were launched into the market, making it more convenient to use. Jack Dorsey is credited for the invention of twitter since he hoped to get a platform on which he could reach out to his friends easily through a messaging service, which could deliver multiple messages at the same time. The birth of twitter depended on the notion that the messages could be received via different means for example computers, phones and any other connected device that could facilitate the communication, at the same time offering the convenience of time (Bell, 2017). This paper seeks to give a true picture of the origin and growth of Twitter as a new avenue for communication by explaining how it came to be adopted in the market and also shed some light on how it has impacted the society since its inception. Background information on Twitter By the time Jack Dorsey was working on this project, he was an employee at Odeo, which had been started as a podcasting company under the leadership of Noah Glass. Jack Dorsey opted to share his piece of work with Noah Glass about its viability. Upon agreeing to the project, the trio Dorsey, Glass and Florian Webber, who was a developer by then, decided to make a presentation to the rest of the organization for approval regarding the doability of the project. Glass code named this project Twttr (Bell, 2017). The system was tasked to convey a text message to a number that would then make a broadcast to numerous numbers that were so desired. It was until March that the project received a greenlight by Odeo. The public domain was free to use the product by July 2006 when it was fully launched to the market. The first ever tweet to be registered from Dorsey was on 21st March, 2006 at exactly 9.50pm and it read, “just setting up my twttr” (Bell, 2017). How the technology was adopted There is a lot of controversy surrounding the actions of Evans Williams who was Odeo’s CEO by the time he bought back the shares from the investors to gain supremacy in the operations of the company. The main founders of Twitter are Jack Dorsey, Evans Williams and Biz stone. Odeo and twitter parted ways in 2007. Twitter made a breakthrough in 2007 during a South by South interactive (SXSWi) music conference. It is because of the excellent advertising campaign on the big screens that it got popularity since the people who were attending the conference gave a first shot on the technology, increasing its usage. Currently there is a record of up to 150 million tweets on a daily basis (Bell, 2017). Literature review on the use of twitter as a communication platform Prior research has indicated the need for interactive communication in the digital world in this 21st century. There have been inventions in the area of communication technology to enhance the lives of people. The key areas that have enjoyed the milestone are reporting in the media houses, political campaigns and also relationship building where people are able to receive real-time updates of the situation as it is. According to Zhang, Sobel & Chowdury, (2009) it essential to have an avenue for people to interact with each other on different fronts especially on networked services such as Facebook, MySpace and twitter. Without reasonable doubt, there are more concerns on the impact that social media will impact social communication. One of the key successes of business in the digital world is the use of word of mouth (WOM) which has a great impact to marketing. It can assist in strengthening the brand’s presence in the market and also enhance customer relationship management. This is a strategy in which individuals share ideas about different opinions, attitudes and reactions that businesses face. According studies, WOM is a powerful marketing tool since people always seek opinions from the people that they know. Companies have embarked on viral marketing and eWOM. An example of eWOM is microblogging where Twitter falls (Zhang, Sobel & Chowdury, 2009). In the “attention economy”, people tend to share messages that are of importance to them with those people who might interest them. These messages are shared instantly via email, phones, or the web. Microblogging is also known as micro-updating, micro-sharing or twittering which happen to one...
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