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Gene Therapy: Describe the Technology. What it Accomplishes?

Essay Instructions:

Write a four to six (4 to 6) page paper on your chosen topic. Organize your paper into sections corresponding to the following requirements:
Biological basis. Describe the technology. Discuss what it accomplishes. Elaborate on the scientific principles that make this technology possible. Your goal in this section of the paper is to show the instructor that you understand the underlying science behind the technology. Describe how exactly the technology works. Discuss the biological principles that underlie this technology.
Social and ethical implications. Without disclosing your personal view about this technology, provide an analysis of its social and ethical implications. State the ethical concerns apparent in the use of this technology. Discuss the benefits and risks. Your goal in this section is to look at all sides of the issue. In the next section, you will give your opinion. 
Personal viewpoint. In the previous section, your goal was to be as objective as possible, to look at all sides of the issues. In this section, your goals are to give a personal opinion about the technology and provide a justification of that opinion. 
Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment, in addition to the course text. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. The body of the paper must have in-text citations that correspond to the references. Integrate all sources into your paper using proper techniques of quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing, along with proper use of in-text citations to credit your sources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gene Therapy
For quite some time now, the biomedical field has toyed around with the idea of creating super organisms. Such organisms were meant to have certain features which would enable them to withstand particular challenges in their environments, or have features that would help them in combating physiological problems. To do this, mastery of gene technology was paramount, since it would help them to not only alter, but manipulate the genes in a way that suited their aim. Among the most widely used instances of gene technology, is gene therapy. Gene therapy has had its own impacts, both good and bad, and in return has also brought different views both socially and ethically.
Gene therapy is the alteration or adjustment of the innate structure of the genes, so as to repair them and help in preventing certain deformities of deficiencies brought about by a change in the genetic composition (Lewis, 2012). Gene therapy on the larger picture basically entails all the processes that help in enhancing the endurance and resistance of the body to diseases. It is not a new idea, since it has been there for quite some time. Interest in gene therapy originated from the knowledge of the structure of the DNA, especially the fact that it was made up of nucleotides, each having a distinct pairing order on the strands. The base pairing and the order played a big role in the protein that was created. Any error in pairing is what basically brought about a certain deformity or genetic disease.
Scientists were therefore thrilled with the notion of being able to correctly pair these bases, so as to prevent the incorrect pairing that would result in the various genetic deformities. Perhaps the most encouraging of the early efforts in gene research was the use of bacteria to produce insulin. Scientists therefore believed that since bacteria could produce insulin, then the body too, can be made to. Advances in gene therapy have made it a rather easy and uncomplicated procedure. Now, inorder to deal with any genetic problems, what is done is to first of all identify the defective gene. Then coming up with the required gene and duplicating it (Herzog et.al. 2010). In order to do this, it should be isolated and marked accordingly. The final procedure is injecting it into the structure of the defective structure. As for the defective gene, it is expelled from the structure through the use of a certain restriction enzyme, whose role is to break the structure at clearly specific points.
Gene therapy in humans has taken two dimensions, the somatic and the germline gene therapy. Somatic gene therapy is the insertion of therauptic genes into a patient’s non-sex cells. Since they are inserted into such cells, the modifications made are only within the realm of the patient and not his or her subsequent generations or offsprings. According to Strachman and Read (2004), somatic gene therapy makes up a big chunk of what is done by medical scientists, since it is what helps in the treatment of patients individually. There is more research in somatic gene therapy, particularly somatic cell transfer, flanked by the increase in the cases of genetic diseases such as hemophilia and cystic fibrosis.
Germline gene therapy on the other hand involved the insertion or introduction of functional genes into egg cells, and then integrated as part of the overall genome. The subdivision and multiplicatio...
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