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Discussion 6: Gender And Race As Critical Resources

Essay Instructions:

Last week, we talked about how cultural differences enhance literature. Many of you shared research on the writer and/or the culture. In completing that research, you read the ideas of others—critics or people who have used various tools or lenses to talk about literature.

For the final Portfolio Project, you are asked to locate critics on Achebe's novel and to incorporate those critical voices in your final paper.

For this week's discussion, share the critical resources you plan to use in your final Portfolio Project. What are the key concepts of these critics (maybe looking at race, religion, class, or gender)? Did you decide to omit any critics? If so, why?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gender and race as critical resources
Gender and race as critical resources
Okonkwo’s desire not to be associated with feminism makes him go beyond anything just to prove that he is more of a man, unlike his father. He is willing to participate in homicide against his will just to ensure that he has proven himself to be manly. He marrying the three spouses was an act of proving that he was man enough. Okonkwo, unlike his father, would beat his wives away from the children just to be different from his father. With masculinity, he tries as much to resist the western culture, insinuating that it would lead to their cultural erosion.
The two races like the Africans and the Europeans criticize each other's cultures while looking down at each other's culture. Okonkwo despised the Chris...
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