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WRT 102 “Framework” Analysis. Analytical Essay 2. Literature & Language

Essay Instructions:

I intend this document to expand upon and supplement the possibilities for analysis and discussion available to you in your second analytical essay. Please do not feel obligated to use one of these approaches in your second essay.

Your first draft should be roughly three (3) pages in length

You WILL NOT be performing the "Paramedic visual response" exercise this time around, so you can set your Google Document accessibility to "anyone at Stony Brook with link can comment"

I will be creating new peer response groups and updating the instructions before next Thursday's class

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WRT 102
Analytical Essay 2
The story presents deadpan humor in which Colby Williams was condemned for hanging for an offense simply referred to as going “too far” by his friends. The strong bond, allegiance and willingness of the anonymous group of friends to substitute the law with their own group dictateswas unreasonable and unrealistic. Although Colby admits that he went “too far”, the group decides to chastise him by hanging. Thiswas an unreasonable punishment from a group of “dear friends” to a colleague whose only transgression was going “too far” for what nobody knows except the group. Still, one would have expected that the group should have settled on a lighter punishment since they acknowledged that everybody at times went too far.This essay explores the overarching theme of reasonableness in "Some of Us Had Been Threatening Our Friend Colby”.
The apparent reasonableness to chastise Colby by hanging is questionable. The friendship between Colby and his friends is evident as they enjoyeda close-knit relationship. The group had a predefined code of behavior that all were supposed to ascribe to. In other words, the group members were guided by certain precepts and principles that they equally considered important. Thus the definition of reasonable behavior was largely underpinned by adherence to this code. Nonetheless, the rationality of the punishment that was proposed for their wayward colleaguewas outrageous. Although the group claimed to have the right to chastise one of their own, it is apparently clear that they too went too far. Even though Colby violated the group code, hanging was an unfair and disproportionate punishment since it violated the law of the land.
The punishment for going “too far” wasunreasonable for two reasons. Firstly, the group’s dictates and norms did not supersede the law. In as much as the group members were bound by theirown code of conduct, the assumption is that the rules would have beenrealistic. The reasonableness of the chastisement method should have been proportionate to the offense committed. The group’s collective decision to chastise their “dear friend” by hanging simply because he had violated their collective principleswas unfounded. Secondly, the group’s authority to chastise one of their own could only be acceptable if it was reasonable and...
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