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Fossil Economy and Effects of Global Warming

Essay Instructions:

Please note: No quotations are permitted in this exercise. Use your own words, and properly cite ANY idea NOT your own! You may paraphrase, if you properly cite your sources (see question d) for an illustration of proper citation). Remember, directly using 7 or more words in sequence without quotation marks constitutes plagiarism. You must refer specifically to the reading (demonstrating that you have read it), citing page numbers. Do not use outside (e.g. internet sources) and please work independently -- do not consult with other students.

Succinctly answer the following question in 400 words or less:

1) How does Andreas Malm define "fossil economy" in this reading? (50% of assignment grade)

2) What does Malm mean by "the causal power of the past," of the "final falling in of history in the present?" p. 9. (50% of assignment grade)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Science
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Question one
Andreas Malm describes the fossil economy as the self-sustaining growth that is a result of overconsumption of fossil fuel which leads to the generation of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere (Malm, 2016, pg. 10). The emission of CO2 into the atmosphere has adverse effects since it is the leading integrator of global warming on earth. The author affirms the fossil economy is a result of the link between capitalism and CO2 emissions. The ideology of capitalism and an increasing number of capitalisms in improving the economy has made the world vulnerable to fossil fuel exposure. The author describes the propagation of capitalism through two phases which are the first wave and the second wave (Malm, 2016, pg. 11). The author extensively relates capitalism and the advancing technology, which he describes as a core player in the rising of fossil fuels, especially after the industrial revolution. Every aspect of capitalism is propagated by the use of fossil fuel which seems endless despite various intervention measures and a shift towards a green economy. The author argues that capitalism is more connected with improving the economy while affecting th...
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