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Food Diary and Reflections

Essay Instructions:

Objective: To reflect upon the foods you eat in anthropological context, develop critical thinking skills, and practice academic writing.

Assignment: You will keep a food acquisition diary for three days. You should record all foods and beverages, including vitamins and dietary supplements, for three days recording the following:
- Day/meal/type of food/drink/supplement, etc.
- How/where you acquired the food
o Did you grow the food? Buy it? Did your parents/roommates buy it? Did they get it at the grocery store? Farmers’ market? Etc.
- The origin of the food
o (A) Where was it grown or manufactured? This information may be found on the food packaging itself, a fruit sticker, or may require you to look up the food/brand online.
o (B) Where does it originate? As in, where does the food originally come from? This will require you to investigate the geographical/regional origin of your food/ingredients as far back as you can!
After you have completed your food acquisition and sourcing diary, you will write a reflection paper based on your three-day diary that will incorporate course material (lectures and readings) and three outside sources (details below).

Assignment Details:
You may complete the three-day food acquisition and sourcing diary at any time between now and the due date of the assignment. Remember to record the days of the week and whether there are any special events happening during the recording time, as this may affect your usual diet. It is best to record food acquisition as it happens; however, this is not always practical, so you should at least record what you consumed at the end of each day. If you do not have time to record something at the time of consumption, remember to save the food packaging to help you later in the day when you record the details of the food you ate.

Hint: In the reflection think about the relative “healthiness” of the foods you ate (what informs your thoughts on the “healthiness”?). Comment on the food origins and acquisition practices.

Assignment Specifications:

Cover Page: Include course name, instructor name, name of the assignment, student name, student number, and date
Length: MAXIMUM five pages, not including references page, appendix, or cover page.

Format: 12 pt. Time New Roman font, double spaced. Margins should be 1” on all sides.

Number your pages. Doc, docx, or pdf are acceptable file formats.


Winter 2022


(1) Introduction and Methods – a brief explanation of how you conducted your food acquisition and sourcing diary, with consideration of some of the methodological challenges and problems associated with it (1 page).
• What steps did you take? What was easy? What was difficult?

(2) Results – a brief summary of your three-day food acquisition and sourcing records (diary) that refers to the appendix (see below) (1/2 page).
• Summarize the days without simply listing everything you ate in order. For example, “During the course of my food diary recording, I ate the same breakfast each morning (cereal with 1% milk).”
• The Results section should not include any interpretation, just a summary of the results (pretend that your reader does not have the Appendix and wants to get a sense of what you ate just from your description).
(3) Reflection on how you acquire your food, where it comes from, and the experience of keeping the diary (incorporating course content and three outside sources). (3 pages). • This assignment is in lieu of a midterm, so you need to demonstrate what you have learned so far. Think about the lecture material and the readings you have completed – what themes have come up that might relate to what you have eaten?
(4) Conclusion (1/2 page).
• The conclusion section is where you provide your reader with a summation of the most important points of your assignment. What did you take away from the experience of the food diary? It is not sufficient to repeat what you have already said in the introduction, results, or discussion, but rather you should let the reader know what your take-away key message(s) is/are.
(5) References Cited – it is not necessary to cite the lectures in the text of this assignment (the TAs and I will know when you are referring to lecture content). Include a minimum of three references, one of which must be a peer-reviewed article. Please follow the Referencing Guidelines posted on Quercus. You may use assigned course readings.
(6) Appendix – include your food acquisition and sourcing diary record using the provided template. You may also include graphs or charts to present your results in the Appendix if you wish. Do not submit handwritten notes as part of this assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Food Diary and Reflections
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Professor's Name
Food Diary and Reflections
Food consumption is essential to human life for two main reasons. Dietary nutritional features have a significant impact on human growth and health. Furthermore, eating is a socially intense behavior. The importance of the connections between what we eat, where we acquire it, acquisition, and placement activity cannot be overstated. Food has the nutritional purpose of nourishing the body.
Food is required to accomplish daily tasks maintain good health and progress. I make decisions depending on access to food, cost, and the social and moral significance of eating. Spatial activity is largely responsible for the distribution, acquisition, and food sources (Samoggia & Riedel, 2018). When it comes to food acquisition, an animal of whatever size or morphology will employ a certain geographical collection and mode of activity execution to choose a precise foraging and feeding approach (Pelto et al., 2000). It is critical to realize that what I consume shapes who I am. Various human populations devour different foods depending on their relevance in the diet.
Understanding the interaction of biological and social processes in influencing how people eat, their nutritional condition, and demographics focuses on nutritional anthropology. Nutritional anthropologists continuously try to figure out how technological innovation will affect people's diets (Pelto et al., 2000). Food is not readily available in my neighborhood, so knowing where to buy food necessitates keeping track of trends and records as part of a routine procedure. While obtaining and tracking out the suppliers of these foods, I ran into several issues. To begin with, selecting the highest quality among a variety of food items is difficult. Second, there was a financial constraint in purchasing good, wholesome meals. Finally, the preservation and processing of indigenous cuisine and daily activities hampered accurate data recording (Siegrist & Hartmann, 2020). Other difficulties I faced included a lack of store food and the difficulty to visit local food markets owing to the distance.
Every morning, I ate the same breakfast while keeping my food journal (coffee and Scrambled Eggs). I did, however, purchase coffee (Starbucks brand) and the eggs from the next shop (SideView). By 3000 BC, jungle birds had been tamed for egg production in India, and it is believed that the first nations to tame hens were Early Egypt and Early China. The coffee was grown in Columbia. Since the mid-sixteenth century, coffee has been one of the most common beverages worldwide, and it has served as an essential part of consumerist society.
I ate Tuna on March 1, 2022, and March 2, 2022, at lunch and supper, respectively. I bought it from American Tuna. In 2005, six American Pole & Line fishing families created American Tuna in San Diego, California. American Tuna's purpose is to offer clients high-quality, healthy canned albacore tuna that they can purchase straight from the source. Additionally, I ate the French bread pizza for supper on March 1, 2022. I bought it from the shop Stouffers. For the record, Bob Petrillose of the Cornell University-based Hot Truck in Ithaca, New York, invented French bread pizza.
On February 28, 2022, I ate stuffed avocado at lunchtime. I bought the avocado from The Simple Veganista. It is said that this meal originated in Mexico. The sauce has been altered and recreated throughout history from Mexico to Peru, the Caribbean, and the United States. In some, the omnipresent stuffed avocado may appear to be a reincarnation of a vintage delicacy, such as the lobster salad-filled avocado served at extravagant formal occasions in the 1920s.
On February 28, 2022, I had double grilled cheese for supper. I bought the meal from Saxelby Cheesemongers. It is crucial: consumers who consume sliced cheese cook at least one grilled cheese every month. Whereas comparable recipes can be found in Old Roman writings — and, let us encounter it, the French have been creating their renowned Croque monsieurs ever since 20th century — the grilled cheese as we know it today can be traced back to the early twentieth century, when Otto Frederick Rohwedder, known as "the father of sandwich bread," created a bread cutting machine that made disseminating white bread simple and reasonably priced.
On the last day of my diary, I ate pawpaw for lunch. I bought it from the Stouffers shop. Pawpaw pudding originated from Maryland. It is challenging to overestimate pawpaws' significance in the early explorers' existence. As the earliest immigrants moved westward from entrenched colonies in the east, they relied heavily on wild wildlife and the very nutritious pawpaws that flourished plentifully. From May 1804, the Lewis and Clark Mission was the first American mission to cross the west.
I kept a three-day food journal in which I logged data from three meals per day. I have left out the money and changes. The more extraordinary evolution of agriculture and various other aspects that have affected my option of diary chronology have had a big impact on my decision (Pelto & Pelto, 1983). Agricultural factors are determined by crop production, agribusiness, agriculture biotech, and the greenhouse renaissance (Siegrist & Hartmann, 2020). To begin with, growth in agricultural output has impacted demand for particular food products, as prices have fallen as su...
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