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Flow Theory Recent Literature, Benefits, and Gaps

Essay Instructions:

My chosen Theory :Flow Theory
This assignment asks you to conduct research to identify recent literature about a particular topic in mass communication theory and practice, and then put that literature to work in service of an articulation of the current state of research as it relates to that topic.
Write an essay that articulates the theory(Flow Theory) in question, what recent literature tells us about that theory and the contexts in which it can be applied, how practitioners can benefit from examining those contexts through the lens of the theory, and what gaps in the literature exist that ought to be the focus of future research considerations.
The professor has provided 3 articles, but please also do more research, find and use 2-3 more related articles.

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Flow Theory Recent Literature, Benefits, and Gaps
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Engeser (1) describes flow as an operating mental state in which a person is engaged in action without reflective self-awareness but a solid control sensation. He adds that most individuals are delighted that they're flowing (Newsom et al., 2018). According to him, flow is optimum if the person involved focuses entirely on the work at hand and forgets anything else around him. Individuals are inherently motivated in a state of flow (Obadă, 2019). These events are characterized by sentiments of satisfaction, commitment, absorption, and ability. This study article explores Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's idea of "flow." The paper outlines the flow idea and focuses on the breadth of the study on the topic. It also highlights future research's possible directions.
Theory and Recent Literature
Csikszentmihalyi explained during an interview with Wired Magazine that engagement is shared for the sake of action alone when someone is in flux. He characterizes flow as a fully concentrated motivation (Obadă, 2019). The ego of the person falls, and time flows. Every idea, movement, or action at the moment was like performing jazz and was inevitably flowing from the preceding one. He argues that the individual completely embraces the abilities of his/her whole self in a condition of flow.
During his research of the creative process in the sixties, Csikszentmihalyi noted that the artist would persevere in his work alone despite hunger, tiredness, and any uncomfortable conditions as the painting progressed. All interest in the product is typically gone, however, not long after the product is completed (Obadă, 2019). Thus, research and the idea of flow arose from a desire to explain the intrinsically driven phenomena and the 'autotelic' activity, despite the extrinsic benefits obtained from its execution. Flow is called "optimal" by Csikszentmihalyi and LeFevre, meaning that the person is psychologically effective, driven, and joyful when he or she feels (Nakamura & Csikszentmihalyi, 2019).
Csikszentmihalyi questioned dancers, chess players, and rock climbers for the sake of investigating the nature and conditions of pleasure. Most respondents stated pleasure as the motive for the activity. Csikszentmihalyi emphasizes that certain criteria must be fulfilled to reach the flow status. In the beginning, they are the perceived obstacles, but they do not exceed the performer's current talents. It means that the performer needs to balance his skills with the complexity of the assignment. It is not only important to meet the level of abilities and difficulties, but also to achieve great fluidity. Still, if the challenging level corresponds to the skill level, but both are low, the consequences are called indifference.
Furthermore, to reach a flow state, a person must have defined objectives, and quick feedback on progress should be acquired. The guidance and structure of the task are clear. Under these conditions, experience unfolds unavoidably between times while one reaches a state that is marked by a profound concentration and a combination of actions and consciousness (Newsom et al., 2018). There is a lack of introspective self-awareness, yet there is a sensation that the individual can handle the circumstance by responding. The status is also distinguished by flow moments because of the time, time, and even food which the mind normally disregards temporal concerns. The individual is involved in what is going on. In addition, the performance experience is intrinsically so gratifying that achieving the goal is the sole explanation for the procedure.
Model Flow State. When the person is in flow, he or she works fully, and the condition is a classic case of dynamic balance. A balance between the apparent capacity of action and the obstacles given is required to join the flow. The equilibrium is quite delicate. If the problems go beyond the skills, the person is watchful and apprehensive first. Also, if talents overcome the obstacles, the individual relaxes fast and ends up being bored. A graphic image of the idea of flow depicts experience as a function and a relationship between perceived obstacles and competencies, as shown in the original flow model.
Since flux experiences are primarily shaped by interactions between the individual and the environment, they are motivated by the emergence of an open system. What happens at any time is not a product of the person's purposeful movement to the surroundings but an answer to the occurrence of the preceding instant. This is a systematic development. For example, sports and games flow activities give feedback mechanisms that ensure flow. However, an individual participating in performance may lose flow due to distractions and severe problems.
The self-identity. The idea and investigation of flow have throughout time focused not on personality but phenomenology. The frequency and strength of the perceived flow nevertheless vary from each other. According to Csikszentmihalyi, autotelic persons are more often able to attain the state of flow than ordinary humans and have many particular personality features. Such personality characteristics indicate minimal autocentricity, perseverance, curiosity, and high success rates for certain fundamental reasons (Lopez & Snyder, 2018).
Flow measurement. Lopez and Snyder (2018) highlight that academics have developed various techniques to measure interpersonal and interpersonal fluid fluctuations. Modern researchers have tried to determine self-style. Interviews, sample methods, and paper, and pencil measurements, among other ways, are presently used to measure flow.
Questionnaire and interview. The flow idea was developed from qualitative reports of how individuals feel throughout an activity. A half-structured interview gives a coherent account of flow experiences in the context of actual life. In explanatory research and studies, the interview remains the most popular approach. To determine not the purpose ...
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