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Final StrategicPlan, Part IV

Essay Instructions:
(To the writer: This is the final strategic plan part 4. The previews are 11113, 11134, and 11135. I need for you to follow all instructions. Please use in-text citation and sub-headings for each bullet)Here are the Instructor's direction:- Write 700-1050 words in which you add your Strategies, Tactics and Communication Plan to implement your strategic objectives, measures, and targets. Include marketing, information technology, regulatory and ethical strategies and tactics. Based largely on your Balanced Scorecard from Week 4, summarize at least three methods to monitor and control your proposed strategic plan, being sure to analyze how the measures will advance organizational goals financially and operationally
Essay Sample Content Preview:

An essay on Strategies, traits and communication plan for implementation of Celestre 24 Day care objectives
Strategies, traits and communication plan for implementation of Celestre 24 Day care objectives
Communication within an organization is heavily overlooked in most cases. However, an effective communication process helps in growing of cohesion among the workers thus improving efficiency. This would help in the achievement of organizational objectives and goals as well as ability for the organization to coordinate various tasks (Ambika 2001). Development of an effective communication plan and its regular evaluation is guided by the overall strategic plan of the organization. Internal communication is very crucial and is studied in this case (Hume 2002).
Communication involves the various channels used in an organization to pass information including use of newsletters, memos, meetings, tele-conferencing, internet and email and information boards. An effective communication plan should be development while considering various principles (Bacal 2005). Among the various principles include the development of a sustainable focus, identification of the various company values, definition of the objectives of communication as a strategy, use of up to date methods and the consistency of the information passed (Ambika 2001).
With these principles in mind the communication plan is constructed. Celestre 24 Day care consists of only one manager and a number of permanent staff members who work in the institution. Due to the nature of the service, the age group for the workers is the early thirties females as the majority (Michael 2004). For the missions and goals of the organization, the workers are very aware of the organization missions but the executive decisions are mainly made by the manager. However, decisions related to employees’ duties are allowed. The major form of sharing information is through use of staff meetings with effective interaction between various members (Bacal 2005).
The communication plan objective is to help define the organizational goals and objectives to all the employees for sustainable development. To help in accessing the information required for sound decision making. Its objectives are;
To create awareness on the allow clarity of organizational missions and vision to staff members
Develop effective communication between the management and the employees.
To help the staff will comply with the various policies (Ambika 2001).
To help the staff in effective use of available resources for innovative production
Also the plan helps in the increased collaboration between staff members and transparency in decision making of the executives (Hume 2002).
Celestre 24 Daycare contains 12 staff members; 2 managers, 1 senior manager and the executive director. All the members are located in New York with English as their native and working language. The organization has wireless internet connection and all members access the internet (Ambika 2001).
There are various tools and tactics that will be employed. For the attainment of the objectives; for objective one, the organization through the human resource department will make use a backgrounder for the new employees. The organization will also be holding one day training to elaborate on organizational missions. For objective two, all the minutes passed in the various board meeting will be supplied to the staff members from the executive director’s office. Staff meeting will also be held in every month to elaborate on the executive decisions and strategies (Ambika 2001).
For objective three, the v...
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