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Creating A Sustainable Toledo Town With Zero Carbon Footprint

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Creating a sustainable Toledo town with Zero carbon footprint
Creating a sustainable Toledo town with Zero carbon footprint
Rapid population growth in Toledo town has contributed immensely to environmental pollution. Toledo city offers world-class museums, recreation, and waterfront entertainment and dining for visitors making it receive many visitors than any other town in Ohio. Besides, it is strategically located on the banks of the Maumee River. The city has a rich history in the Miami and Erie Canal system, which are popular in the architecture and culture of the city. As a mayor of the increasing growing town, there is a concern to reduce the pollution rate in the city. In respect to this, creating a sustainable town with zero carbon footprint is therefore inevitable to improve vibrant life condition in the city.
Creating a sustainable town with zero carbon footprint will be achieved through green energy program. Increasing use of automobiles in the town contributes to the carbon emission in town. The program will, therefore, encourage the use of the petroleum-free automobile. The green energy will help to save the atmosphere from excessive emission of toxic gases which contributes to acidic rain (Restrepo, & Morales-Pinzón, 2018). The program will also emphasize trees are planting to purify little traces of carbon gases from the atmosphere (Lopes Toledo & Lèbre La Rovere, 2018). The program will alleviate the problem of greenhouse effects which contributes to increasing of temperature during sunny days. Community participation in this project is vital since it will help to improve their surroundings. The patronage of this program would the federal government in coordination with the national government. The program will help to buffer fluctuating temperature in town (Price et al., 2016)
The beneficiaries of this project would range from the residence, visitors, water, soil, air and even the domestic animals in town. A program which aims at eliminating carbon gases from the atmosphere will help to reduce the drou...
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