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Explanation: Feng Shui Is Science Or Superstition?

Essay Instructions:

this essay is argumentative essay, my position is feng shui is science and you should give reasons to support. i already give some website that you can cite from, so please take look my draft before you start. !!!!please give no more than more reasons(i already give three ideas and you can use it) to support why feng shui is science rather than superstition. For every idea, you should explain it very very detailed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, which will not confuse readers! remember provide background and definition of fengshui about this topic. conclusion must have own ideas! grammar and words need not to be complicated, but keep it right.


FengShui is a technique of managing landscape and human habitation to take advantage of invisible currents of energy within the earth.

Fengshui is an ancient science which goes back at least 3500 years in China and feng shui also as a new age religion became accessible to the English-speaking world only at the end of the nineteenth century (Wade Clark,1999). Although feng shui has young age in the US, it does become a very crucial part of America in economic way. The definition of feng shui and the original of feng shui. Feng shui is a technique of managing the landscape and human habitation to take advantage of invisible currents of energy within the earth(chi) and bring good fortune to people (Paul Robbins,2007).

            FengShui is science or superstition

1.https://fengshuinexus(dot)com/blog/why-feng-shui-not-religion-superstition/(very good resource)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2.Summary why FengShui is not a superstition

I.power of nature is not spiritual power

- instead of spiritual power, FengShui use power of nature. It focus on eight cardinal direction, which have magnetic forces (important in all area)  https://fengshuinexus(dot)com/blog/feng-shui-cardinal-directions-magnetism-science/,(this website states cardinal direction very detailed) please read!

“If I can’t see it, I don’t believe in it.” I’ve heard this comment countless times when I talk about the concept of Qi in Feng Shui. When I ask them whether they believe in sound, smell, radiation. Their answers would be: “they’re not the same thing.” So I can say It’s hard to believe in something we cannot feel using our five senses.

Only in the past century did we begin to uncover many great scientific findings. We found radiation, which can hardly be felt using our five senses. We can visualize the world using heat maps. We found micro-organisms and atoms/molecules, which cannot be felt or be seen. Mentioning these concepts 100 years ago would’ve made you a superstitious person.


II. Not a magical power.

- “If you place some stones at the back of the toilet, money will come flowing in.” this kind of “tips” make FengShui seems superstitious. However, this is not the way you think about FengShui. FengShui is a way to improve your current condition, not the way you can get money easily by using fengshui.

“Imagine your life’s journey as a boat. Having good Feng Shui is like having great weather and tail-wind that’ll make your journey easier. Bad Feng Shui, on the other hand, is like sailing in the storm or facing a strong head-wind. And to be clear, Feng Shui does NOT magically transform your boat to a motor-boat or to a ship.” (should summary) This is the way you should think about FengShui.

V. FengShui’s luck is not superstition

“luck” this word lost original meaning in translation.

This luck is not the luck you can winning lottery. “Feng Shui’s luck is used to describe a long period of time or a combination of categorized events over the years. For instance, a person is said to be experiencing luck in career when that person is promoted and getting pay-raises several times over the years.”( https://fengshuinexus(dot)com/blog/what-feng-shui-luck-means/) This is the website that states “luck in FengShui” with real examples. “ the feng shui of the house greatly influences the mental and physical health of you and your family members. A home with good feng shui relaxes and nurtures your soul and takes away your worries and distractions. Feng shui has the ability to affect your luck, but has absolutely no influence on your fate.”(summary)

Example in FengShui proved this is science.

“The location of Hongcun embodies the scientific side of fengshui, its geographic conditions being largely favorable. The village lies on the southern slope of the mountain, shielded against cold northern winds in winter and free of floods during summer. A 1,000-meter-long stream flows through its center, along which an irrigation system and wooden houses were built, each provided with water. Such a layout has contributed much to fireproofing efforts and the survival of the village over several centuries. Today, about 140 such ancient buildings remain preserved here.The village proves a striking example of how fengshui design and scientific disciplines such as geophysics, hydrology, architecture and ecology can work in harmony.”

FengShui is superstition

1.One reason may be that humans have strong propensities towards belief in the paranormal.

-Our brains are programmed to seek causes from effects. Providing simple answers to complex phenomena, using “evidence” such as the flow of energy (feng shui), is attractive in the hands of masters.

Linking causes to effects was an effective way to predict future events and thus enhanced our survival. Over the eons, just as it made good sense to our ancient ancestors to run when they heard the roar of a lion (a cause) to avoid being eaten (an effect), there was also no harm in praying to the gods to stop the thunder, which worked most of the time. Our ancestors who successfully connected causes with effects survived and passed their genes down to us.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Feng Shui is a practice that is not understood by many, but today, more and more people are taking interest upon it as a general practice. More and more research and practical results are proving the scientific basis of Feng Shui in our reality. The underlying explanation for Feng Shui is the concept of Magnetism, which states that some energy are positive, and some energy are negative, and that these two polarities are always in the act of interacting with each other. In Feng Shui, the interaction of these energies are promoted and put into light through the symbol and notion of the Yin and Yang. To understand Feng Shui as a scientific process rather than superstition, one must look into the accounts of Feng Shui experts and their knowledge of the capacity to make themselves in harmony with nature, their environment and their own particular regular day to day existence, so they can have an effect on their emotions, wellbeing, and feelings. (Cheung 2017)
Many people who do not know the underlying explanation for Feng Shui’s practical benefits perceive Feng Shui as a superstition but modern science is only starting to unveil the mysteries of Feng Shui’s ancient wisdom. Ever since ancient times, the practice of Fen Shui was seen as a science. There was no delineation of Feng Shui and health and well-being, and the ancient Chinese people understood the innate energies within each object as a subtle reality, not as a superstition. Feng Shui expects to adjust and balance the different energies keeping in mind the end goal to achieve more noteworthy joy, prosperity and efficiency. (Cheung, 2017) The image speaks to the conviction that everything in the universe comprises of two powers that are contradicting however correlative which is termed as the yin and yang.
To understand Feng Shui from a scientific viewpoint, we should look to the definitions of physics about our reality. Science says that all of the universe are made out of two kinds of energies that exist within atoms, which is the negative and the positive. The description of an atom is that there exist quantum particles whose position are dependent only on probabilistic positions that can only be seen when observed but simultaneously exist within all possibilities in the 99.99% space that surrounds it. This can be likened to the concept of a light (particle) and the darkness (space/void), or in Feng Shui, the concept of yin and yang. The yin and yang is a concept engraved within a symbol of interconnected black and white part. Together the highly contrasting tears speak to the collaboration of the energies found in every way. This remains constant for everything in the universe, for instance in each female there is somewhat male and in each male there is somewhat female. In each great, there is somewhat detestable and the other way around. Nothing in the universe or in life is just dark or white. Each exists in the other and every need the other so as to exist. (Painter, 2017)
Feng Shui as a scientific practice is regarded as a reflection of the macrocosm of the universe that permeates all things down to the micro level. The basic assumption is that everything is energy and that everything is flowing. This is the basis of how practitioners guide their arrangements, by adhering to a knowledge of how energy flows and what kinds of energies are present within the environment. The rule of flowing is to have a positive and a negative that would define the directionality of a current, the same rule applies with electricity. Feng Shui is simply a matter of arranging matter to direct energy towards a more harmonic and joyful flow (Rishi, 2017).
Superstitions about Feng Shui arise when the knowledge of how to operate and understand energy is not acquired, but more and more books and scientific research are proving the underlying concepts in Feng Shui practice. In the words of a famous quantum physicist, the importance of the interaction of positive (yang) and negative (yin) energies image includes how, when consolidated as one, these two inverse energies make concordance and adjust inside the universe. Postulations energies exist in all living issue and are the premise of life since nothing can exist without anyone else's input. The yin yang image is an astounding elucidation of life and how each activity, trademark, and viewpoint has a contrary that is its equivalent. One can't exist without the other. This requires a positive and a negative to finish the entirety. (Painter, 2017) The reason Energy is so difficult to characterize is on the grounds that it's a conceptual idea. In material science, the idea of "energy" is extremely only a sort of shorthand, an apparatus to help adjust the books. Energy is constantly saved (or changed over into mass) so is unimaginably helpful in working out the aftereffects of any sort of physical or substance process. There is no physical "quintessence" of energy, and no such thing as "unadulterated energy". Energy is constantly conveyed by something, for the most part as development (Khan, 2017).
Understanding the concepts of energy, magnetism, and quantum theory all prove the underlying factors and elements that are put into attention when practicing the science of Feng Shui. Quantum Mechanics provide an explanation ...
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