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Feminism, Gender Pay Gap, Environmental Racism, Neoliberalism, Rape Culture, and Violence

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Chapter 8
1. Define the following: Feminine mystique; Neoliberalism; Recolonized
The feminine mystique is the idea that women were happy and fulfilled when they devoted themselves as wives and mothers and is explored in the book Feminine mystique. Neoliberalism refers to an ideology and political-economic theory based on the doctrine of classical liberalism and d emphasizes free market and limiting the role of the government in people’s lives.Recolonized is the process where international institutions and transnational corporations influence and dominate the political and social-economic life of developing countries (Gillis & Jacobs, 2020).
2. How do employers and individuals see motherhood as in opposition to an “ideal worker” while fathers are seen as good workers whose jobs do not conflict with their parenting? How do we change this? What benefits might children of full-time working mothers experience from their mothers’ employment?
There is a motherhood penalty and mothers with children tend to be paid less evaluated rated as less committed and competent than women without children. Married women are also less likely to be promoted, while married men are paid as they are seen as more responsible and committed. Children of full-time working mothers are likely to live more prosperous lives and are exposed to the idea of working mothers as competent.
3. Compared to other countries, the U.S. minimum wage is low. In your opinion, why?
 The minimum wage in the US for non-tipped workers seems relatively high, but considering the cost of living and challenges accessing social services, it is below a livable wage.
4. Why is the United States the only developed nation without a paid maternity benefits? What can we do to change this?
In the US there is a cultural identity of individualism and self-determination, and the people and policymakers do not favor the government paying for statutory paid maternity leave. Others also oppose a paid leave program because of the costs, while the US has not had major population declines like Europe.
5. How do race, sexuality, and gender identity relate to issues involving employment and pay? Your answer should include specific information from your book and, if you choose, personal experience.
Minorities, women, and members of the LQBTQ are less likely to be employed than heterosexual men if they have similar qualifications and are more likely to earn less over their lifetimes. In the US the woman working full-time outside the home makes 80.5 cents for every dollar a man makes (Gillis & Jacobs, 2020).
6. How do African-American men experience the same gender pay gap as white women? In your opinion, could Black men and white women join together to work for equal pay? Why or why not?
There is still a black-white wage gap and rising wage inequality between men and women. African-American men are also paid less partly because of racism and discrimination as is the case of women who experience gender discrimination. Black men and white women could join together if they focus on addressing all forms of inequalities
7. What is a “glass escalator,” and why is it constructed as both gendered and racialized?
The glass escalator refers to the phenomenon where it is more likely that there is professional advancement among men in female-dominated occupations than women. White men benefit the most compared to women, colored men, and members of the LGBTQ. White male workers are considered competent and are rewarded and exercise authority in the workplace.
8. What is environmental racism, and how has it affected the long-term health of those exposed to it?
Environmental racism reflects the connection of racism, racist policies environmental degradation that and disproportionately affects communities of color. People of color disproportionately bear the cost of environmental hazards on their health and well-being.
9. How has the phenomenon of neoliberalism actually widened the gap between rich and poor in the developed and developing world under the guise of equating human comfort with accumulation of wealth?
 Neoliberalism focuses too much on the privatization of public resources and decreasing public expenditure with growth mainly concentrated among the wealthy. Fiscal austerity policies have also led to job losses in developed countries and the countries that rely on cheap labor for production in developing countries.
10. How has the economic trend called “the race to the bottom” led to various Global North corporations reasserting considerable control over the Global South?
Under globalization, global poverty has increased and the Global North transnational corporations are focused on finding the cheapest sources of labor to produce goods and disregard workers’ rights (Gillis & Jacobs, 2020). Companies in the Global South lack the financial muscle of transnational companies and transnational companies can close factories and switch suppliers as workers are ‘disposable’ (Gillis & Jacobs, 2020).
Chapter 9
1. Define the following: Gender-based violence; Rape myths; Title IX
 Gender-based violence (GBV) physical, sexual, mental, or economic harmful acts targeting people based on their sex, gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation.
Rape myths reflect the beliefs about rape and sexual assault that blame (sometimes shame) the victim and justify the perpetrator’s actions while downplaying and sexual violence (Gillis & Jacobs, 2020).
Title IX is part of the US federal civil rights law that protects against discrimination based on sex in education and colleges are expected to adopt Title IX (Gillis & Jacobs, 2020).
2. How is the outcome regarding the 2006 case of Margaux J. not unusual for sexual assault cases on college campuses?
In the 2006 case of Margaux J, the victim who had accused the male student of rape was caught off guard when the male student only got a suspension for one summer semester. The perpetrator was only found guilty of nonconsensual sexual contact (Gillis & Jacobs, 2020). The case was unusual as t...
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